
Fishing crafts and gear in river Krishna - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
This paper documents the commonly used crafts and gears along the entire stretch of the Krishna. Posted on 21 Aug, 2011 10:40 AM

This paper published in the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge makes an attempt to record the fisheries related indigenous technological knowledge in terms of fishing crafts and gears used in river Krishna.

Groundwater management in a coastal aquifer in Krishna River Delta – A paper in Current Science
This paper in Current Science deals with groundwater management in a coastal aquifer in Krishna river delta of Andhra Pradesh. Posted on 10 May, 2011 08:03 AM

Groundwater conditions in the multi-aquifer system in the delta, were studied through an integrated approach using hydrochemical, hydrogeological and isotopic techniques. This study was taken up because of the reported seawater intrusion into the groundwater system of this agriculturally rich region.

Review of Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal - A report on Krishna river water allocations
Recently, Justice Brijesh Kumar Tribunal (Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal - 2) has given the report allocating Krishna river water among the riparian states. Posted on 08 Mar, 2011 04:42 PM

This is a review of KWDT-2 report analysing how it has failed to protect the long term sustainable productivity and ecology of the river basin. It has also failed to understand the water allocations done by previous KWDT-1. KWDT-2 also negated the earlier KWDT-1 allocations at the same time categorically stating that it cannot change water use allocations of previous award.

Review needed on Krishna Water Tribunal analysis on Alamatti Dam to save the farmers from dangerous consequences
Computer calculations on the damaging impacts of raising Alamatti Dam indicate the potential to kill lakhs of people of Maharashtra, karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Posted on 15 Feb, 2011 11:57 AM

Prof.T.Shivaji Rao, Director, Center for Environmental Studies, Gitam University and former member of the Environmental Appraisal Committee of Union Government in 1990 when the Alamatti project was placed before the committee for clearance.

The report of the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II (2010)
The three-member Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II, constituted in 2004 headed by Justice Brijesh Kumar gave its judgement on December 30, 2010. Posted on 18 Jan, 2011 08:26 PM

KWDT-II freshly assessed the yearly yields in the Krishna and determined the award on the basis of the yearly yield at 65 per cent dependability which was assessed at a total of 2,293 tmcft. 

In its order, announced in an open court, the tribunal allocated a total share of 1,001 tmcft to Andhra Pradesh, 911 tmcft to Karnataka and 666 tmcft to Maharashtra with certain restrictions imposed on each State in keeping with the dependable flows of the rivers on which the allocations have been made. The allocation under the first award (KWDT I) was 811 tmcft for Andhra Pradesh, 734 tmcft for Karnataka and 585 tmcft for Maharashtra.

Groundwater modeling in Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna river basin – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
In this study, a two layered finite difference method has been generated for groundwater flow analysis of Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna river basin. Posted on 27 Jul, 2010 07:58 PM

In this study, a two layered finite difference method has been generated for groundwater flow analysis of Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna river basin. The conceptual model has been calibrated for steady state conditions and validated for both steady state and transient conditions through USGS, 3D Finite Difference Code and MODFLOW. Various applications were tried out on the calibrated model, like River-Drain influencing the aquifer, reasons for waterlogging and drying out of wells and well design strategies.

Evaluation of groundwater table and quality in Krishna delta of Andhra Pradesh – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The report attempts to analyze the shallow groundwater table and water quality data for about 20 years pertaining to the Krishna delta. Posted on 22 Jul, 2010 07:45 AM

The report attempts to analyze the shallow groundwater table and water quality data for about 20 years pertaining to the Krishna delta. The trend analysis of groundwater level data of shallow wells indicates that in the upper part of the delta, the groundwater table moved up during the period 1979 to 1999. This may be due to the dense canal network in the delta and increase in irrigated area over a period of time.

Artificial recharging of an unconfined aquifer with an injection well in Ghataprabha sub-basin– A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The report deals with the artificial recharging of an unconfined aquifer with injection well in the Hukkeri taluka in Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna river in AP. Posted on 21 Jul, 2010 08:47 AM

The report deals with the artificial recharging of an unconfined aquifer with injection well in the Hukkeri taluka in Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna river. The Ghataprabha sub-basin of Krishna like most river basins of peninsular India has been facing groundwater development problems varying in nature and severity. It has got a wide spectrum of issues such as cases of failure of wells at several places on the one hand, while some areas becoming unfertile due to waterlogging.

Development of data simulation model and irrigation schedules for Eastern Godavari delta (Andhra Pradesh) - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study has been conducted to develop a data simulation model and irrigation schedules for the eastern Godavari delta irrigation system, Andhra Pradesh. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 11:45 PM

The study has been conducted to develop a data simulation model and irrigation schedules for the eastern Godavari delta irrigation system, Andhra Pradesh. It aims at analysis of various factors that influence the irrigation operations and development of appropriate mathematical models and associated computer programs.

Contest to mark World Wetlands Day organised by WWF in Vijayawada
An invite to a competition held by the World Wildlife Fund & the Forest Department on the occasion of World Wetland Day Posted on 02 Feb, 2010 03:19 PM



VIJAYAWADA: School children will be with one another to list the number of animals and plants they can recognise in a competition being held by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Forest Department at Kaikaluru on Tuesday.
