Konkan Coast

One river, two names and a 14-year-long dispute
Goa and Karnataka have been fighting over the Mhadei since 2002. How does this affect the extensive cooperation expected from the states for the interlinking plan? Posted on 10 Mar, 2016 07:09 PM

The Mandovi river is picture perfect. She is the wide, placid river fringed by the coconut palms and dotted by the boats that we think of when we think of Goa.

The serene Mandovi is the focus of a bitter dispute between Karnataka and Goa
Environmentalists protest proposed projects near Konkan coastline
News this week Posted on 09 Feb, 2016 12:48 PM

Activists stand against three proposed projects near Konkan coastline

A thermal power plant in Ennore, Chennai (Source: India Water Portal Flickr Photos)
Floods in Assam affect one lakh people - Dhemaji worst hit
Floods in Assam, bio-toilets in Konkan railway stations and damage of hydropower project in Uttarakhand are highlights of this week's news. Posted on 08 Jul, 2013 11:31 AM

 Flood fury hits Assam


The flooded plains of Brahamputra
Green islands amongst Mumbai’s brick and mortar: A video about some amazing work done by local citizens in setting up community gardens within the city
Lush green spaces thrive in the heart of Mumbai, thanks to a green initiative ‘ Urban Leaves’ that provides information and knowledge to the local community to reconnect with nature. Individuals, friends and families – all eager learners pledge their time and energy, come soil their hands and grow organic greens together. Posted on 07 Feb, 2013 11:32 AM

Source of video: Urban Leaves

Mining poisons South Goa waters: The case of the Salaulim reservoir shown in a film
This film describes the impact of excessive mining on water resources in South Goa . Posted on 04 Feb, 2012 05:05 PM

Content and Media Courtesy: Video Volunteers

Strain on the marine aquatic environmental quality around Mumbai, owing to indiscriminate release of wastewater – Research reports from the National Institute of Oceanography
Unprecedented population growth and industrial development around Bombay Harbour and Thana Creek coupled with heavy port traffic has affected the environmental quality of the Bay. Posted on 10 Apr, 2011 07:21 PM

The first report titled “Heavy metal burden in coastal marine sediments of north west coast of India in relation to pollution” by M A Rokade, University of Mumbai uses the data on contaminants including metals in seawater, marine sediments and biota for the Mumbai- Bassein region, a high

Sustainable water management initiatives in Konkan under threat - A report
an intricate system of tanks, channels and falls which supplies water to the Panderi village and goes down as a free flowing stream, to irrigate a plantation of arecanut, pepper and mangoes- this intricate system is now beginning to fall apart. Posted on 21 Jan, 2011 02:09 PM

Guest Post by: Parineeta Dandekar

At the first sight, Daarche Paani (‘water at the doors’) appears unreal.. on a small flat plateau called ‘Sadaa’ in konkan, an elegant cobbled walkway leads a puzzled visitor to stairs carved in stone, which go down to an ancient grove, and here is an intricate system of tanks, channels and falls which supplies water to the Panderi village and goes down as a free flowing stream, to irrigate a plantation of arecanut, pepper and mangoes in a village called Gudaghe. When I visited the place, I could see three eminent visitors, a silent lady washing her load of clothes, a fairy bluebird splashing at a tank and a huge moonmoth in one of the trees.

Stone walkway and ancient mango trees leading to Daarche PaaniStone walkway and ancient mango trees leading to Daarche Paani.
Photo: Parineeta Dandekar
