Kohima District

Old is gold for Naga rice farmers
Faced with climate change, Nagaland begins to revive traditional rice, as well as millet varieties, which had given way to high yielding crop varieties. Posted on 14 Dec, 2017 10:56 AM

Rising temperature, erratic rainfall and occurrence of moderate drought are beginning to impact food production in Nagaland. In order to meet the challenge of climate change, the state is now turning to its forgotten resource--traditional food crops which can withstand higher temperatures and water-stressed conditions.

Paddy farm. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
A beautiful, equitable water management system
Khonoma village, which fought the British four times, is today also known for how it protects its ecological heritage. Watch how its indigenous water management system works. Posted on 30 Nov, 2014 08:18 PM

Khonoma village resisted British rule in the region from 1830s to 1880 and is therefore considered as the last bastion of Naga warriors against the British. But today, the village is also known for upholding its rich indigenous erudition.

Women in Khonoma tying beads to make necklaces
Sparkle in the mountains: The indigenous 'Hydroger'
Villages of Nagaland that aren't connected to the electricity grid have been given hope by a new source of power. Posted on 04 Sep, 2014 10:50 PM

It is a labour of love. For 10 years, the team at Nagaland Empowerment of People through Economic Development (NEPeD) held this experiment close to their hearts- a daunting task that is lighting up lives in far-off villages in the mountains of Nagaland today. The hydroger has made way for many to diversify their income through new activities and reduced women’s day-to-day drudgery.

Hydroger machine at Logwesunyu village, Nagaland
Water for friends- for free!
At a time when Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES), is much talked about, two villages in Nagaland show that helping one's neighbour doesn't always have to be for a cost. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 03:17 PM

“Water flows humbly to the lowest level. Nothing is weaker than water, yet for overcoming what is hard and strong, nothing surpasses it.”– Lao Tzu

Water reservoir at Mima village
Coexistence possible—farms and forests, man and nature
Khonoma village near Kohima upholds a sustainable form of jhum cultivation, which doesn't fell but only prunes trees. This video narrates how farms and forests can co-exist. Posted on 01 Apr, 2014 11:43 PM

Nagaland holds many secrets of evolution and sustainable living within its green frontiers. Khonoma village near Kohima is one such plae. It is known not only for being the last frontier the British could never conquer but also for its environmental conscious community and distinct farming practices. 

Alder trees are great nitrogen fixators
Restoring water supply to Nagaland's hills
Damage of water pipelines due to landslides can be tackled by creating quick action plans and alternative sustainable sources. Posted on 06 Jan, 2014 08:52 AM

Nagaland depends on surface sources such as streams, rivulets, springs and ponds, which are monsoon fed for its drinking water. However, the quantity of water in these sources has depleted across the state. This could be due to deforestation, jhum cultivation and other human intervention.

A damaged water pipeline in Nagaland
eNorth East 2011 summit & awards, North East Development foundation, November 25, 2011, Kohima, Nagaland
Posted on 23 Nov, 2011 08:18 AM

Organizers: North East Development foundation and Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF)

Venue: Regional Institute of e-Learning & Information Technology (RIELIT), Kohima, Nagaland
