
Video interview with water expert Avinash Krishnamurthy - Beyond the tap - Managing our water resources
This video episode presents the views on what urban dwellers must do to manage the water in a sustainable and ecologically kinder manner Posted on 11 Sep, 2012 08:11 PM


Third National Research Conference on Climate Change, IISc, November 3-4, 2012, Bangalore - Submit abstracts by September 14, 2012
Posted on 04 Sep, 2012 08:30 PM

Organizers: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Centre for Science and Environment

Venue:   Indian Institute of Science,



Indian Climate Research Network is a collaboration of Centre for Science and Environment in New Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Madras and Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru. The main goal of the network is to enhance capacity for climate research and action in India.

River diversion schemes versus waste water recycling for Bangalore city - An article in Current Science
The author of this paper argues that it is pertinent to look at the water problem from a river basin perspective to manage the water crisis of Bangalore city Posted on 26 Aug, 2012 12:02 AM

This article published in the journal Current Science has been written in response to the earlier article published in Current Science that highlights the acute water scarcity t

Resource availability for water supply to Bangalore City, Karnataka - An article published in the journal Current Science
This article highlights the acute water scarcity that Bangalore has been facing over the years and examines the availability of resources in terms of climatic conditions, rainfall and water resources Posted on 25 Aug, 2012 03:05 PM

BangaloreThis article published in the journal Current Science highlights the acute water scarcity that the city of Bangalore has been facing ove

A story of an innovative farmer in Vijayapura - Wastewater reused to grow fodder and even vegetables
This video tells the story of a farmer in Vijayapura who uses wastewater to grow vegetables and fodder Posted on 24 Aug, 2012 04:32 PM

Farmers near the small town of Vijayapura are faced with a decline and disappearance of groundwater. Bore-wells as deep as 1100 feet have gone dry. Apart from the great loss in money that they face they also have no livelihoods to eke out a living. Some innovative farmers have started to use the towns waste-water to grow fooder and even vegetables.

Make the best out of the monsoons - Catch the water in the hills during 4 months of rain for later use to prevent acute water shortage
We have two months of monsoon left and 4 months of returning (North East) monsoon to conserve water Posted on 18 Aug, 2012 11:54 AM

Remember, Water harvesting Principles:
Make the running water to walk, walking water to crawl, crawling water to stay and sink

5 days training programme on Sustainable Community Based Sanitation, CDD Society, Bangalore, October 2012
Posted on 07 Aug, 2012 10:07 AM

Organiser: Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society

Venue: Centre for Advanced Sanitation Solutions (CASS), Bangalore 


Water and a City: A film by Swati Dandekar that narrates the story of water in Bangalore
This film by Swati Dandekar traces the flow of water as it flows through the various households in different economic strata and then flows out in the form of sewage Posted on 01 Aug, 2012 10:04 AM

Directed and produced by Swati Dandekar, 'Water and a City' traces the journey of water through Bangalore using a succession of haunting im
