
Financing water crises: World Bank, International Aid Agencies and Privatisation - a report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology
The report aims to expose the World Bank aided water privatisation scam in India Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:31 PM

The report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology is in two parts. The first part lists the World Bank projects in three categories – loans given from 1950-1990, water restructuring projects from 1990-2005, and projects at approval stage. The second part of the report includes case studies of World Bank driven water privatization projects in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. 

The I-India shower bus for the street children of Jaipur
The I-India shower bus for the street children of Jaipur Posted on 24 Nov, 2007 08:37 AM

"Earth Bound" : Photography exhibition celebrating land, water and people held in Mumbai & Jaipur, 15 Nov 2007
Posted on 27 Oct, 2007 08:24 AM

germanagroaction_2.jpg "We invite you to an exhibition of black and white photographs celebrating Land, Water and People presented by German Agro Action (GAA- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe) in collabor
