WASSAN: Watershed Cartoons!
Posted on 08 Oct, 2008 08:58 AMThese PROTOONS were produced as part of various engagements of WASSAN with Watershed Development projects and Rainfed Agriculture. DFID I; Commissionerate of Rural Development (GoAP); Ford Foundation; HIVOS; District Water Management Agencies; Mandal Mahila Samakhyas; various NGOs, Resource persons, villagers and several others contributed in developing these PROTOONS.
"Small Towns in a Booming Economy"
Posted on 08 Oct, 2008 06:35 AMSunita Nadhamuni is CEO of Arghyam Trust in Bangalore/Bengaluru, (, which is the organisation that manages the India Water Portal.
FLOW, the film
Posted on 29 Sep, 2008 07:15 PMThese facts may surprise you: 1.1 billion people live without clean drinking water.* There are over 116,000 human-made chemicals that are finding their way into public water supply systems.* Water is a $400 billion dollar global industry; the third largest behind electricity and oil.* Flow, a new film about the implications of the world water crisis, can help you wrap your head around those dis
New arrivals at Books for Change
Posted on 16 Sep, 2008 10:47 AMA list of new books that are currently available and related information is presented.
Book Shelf : "World Bank as a Knowledge Producer - Full Study "
Posted on 15 Sep, 2008 11:39 AM
The World Bank as a Knowledge Producer: How the Bank Uses Flawed Processes to Generate Unsound Knowledge for Promoting Disastrous Policies Book
Report from the Disaster Management Division on the Southwest monsoon and the daily flood situation as on 13.09.08
Posted on 14 Sep, 2008 10:08 PMThe report ( current as on 13th September, 2008 ) provides a concise overview of the daily flood situation, action taken so far and provides detailed statistics on the issue. The report also includes meteorological forecasts and analysis of current and possible flood situations in the different areas of concern.
The sanitation crisis - Addressing challenges in India and globally
Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 11:14 PMOne in four girls does not complete primary school - compared to one in seven boys - and the lack of proper sanitation is partially to blame.
Discussion forum news !
Posted on 11 Sep, 2008 10:27 PMA very interesting thread has been initiated on the Discussion Forum on the Portal by Bob Eibl.