Root Zone technology for the treatment of industrial and domestic waste water - A handbook from Central Pollution Control Board
Posted on 16 May, 2009 12:47 PMRoot Zone Treatment System are planted filter-beds consisting of sand/gravel/soil. The system uses a natural way to effectively treat domestic & industrial effluents.
This handbook on root zone technology for the treatment of industrial and domestic waste water is divided into following sections:
Job opening: Research coordinator, Arghyam
Posted on 16 May, 2009 05:24 AMArghyam Trust based in Bangalore, ( focuses solely on water and sanitation with an emphasis on domestic water. We are looking to employ a young dynamic person to be a core member of a new Research & Developmentgroup.
Basic course on groundwater
Posted on 15 May, 2009 03:38 PMObjectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
A multimedia course on groundwater management by Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management (ACWADAM), Pune
Posted on 15 May, 2009 01:07 PMThis multimedia course developed by ACWADAM, Pune, is primarily meant for people working in watershed and agriculture projects, to give them a better understanding of groundwater.
Manual on artificial recharge of groundwater by Ministry of Water Resources
Posted on 15 May, 2009 12:18 PMThis manual by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India provides the background on the global and Indian water scenario and the emerging challenges related to groundwater depletion and pollut
Groundwater management:traditional knowledge and formal science
Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:35 PMAuthor Sunderajan Krishnan argues that the apparent duality between formal science and one based on traditional wisdom and observations is an illusion and decision making on groundwater management has a lot to gain from traditional knowledge sources.
Financing water crises: World Bank, International Aid Agencies and Privatisation - a report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology
Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:31 PMThe report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology is in two parts. The first part lists the World Bank projects in three categories – loans given from 1950-1990, water restructuring projects from 1990-2005, and projects at approval stage. The second part of the report includes case studies of World Bank driven water privatization projects in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Course on urban water scenario
Posted on 13 May, 2009 10:06 AM“Urban Waters” served as a background material for Arghyam’s second annual conference on April 2007 at Bangalore. There is a vast body of research on urban water issues; a bewildering number of organizations are working on the subject; and it has a wide array of dimensions.
Household water delivery options in urban and rural India – A working paper by Stanford Centre for International Development
Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:14 PMThis working paper by the Stanford Centre for International Development deals with household water delivery options in urban and rural India. The recent potentially far-reaching policy changes frame the paper on drinking water options for urban and rural India. Given the primacy of drinking water as a national objective, and the policy of decentralization through community ownership, private sector participation and devolution to local governments, it asks: How can India alleviate its household level drinking water deprivation, in the near-to-medium term, and in cost-effective ways?
Upgrading and improving urban water services - an overview paper by Water and Sanitation Program
Posted on 12 May, 2009 04:25 PMPerformance improvement planning helps service providers in bringing about incremental improvements in services by applying the principles of commercial orientation and financial viability. This overview paper by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) South Asia of the World Bank, explores how such improvements can be undertaken so that they remain sustainable in the long run as well.