
Groundwater prospects map of Delhi
The site has a map of Delhi showing geology, water level, water quality and giving recommendations for rainwater harvesting in different areas. Posted on 07 Aug, 2009 12:51 PM

The site has a map of Delhi showing geology, water level, water quality and giving recommendations for rainwater harvesting in different areas.

View the map here:

The information may be out of date.

Image source:

Rainwater Harvesting - Basics
Case studies about families and companies who have successfully harvested rainwater in their premises, proving that rainwater harvesting is both feasible and beneficial.
Posted on 06 Aug, 2009 05:25 PM


Solution exchange: Water community update - No. 35
Latest events and upcoming trainings from Solution Exchange Posted on 30 Jul, 2009 12:57 PM

Image & Content Courtesy: Solution Exchange image002 Solution Exchange for the Water Community in India is a group of professionals from a wide range of organizations and perspectives who are dedicated to addressing water and environmental sanitation challenges in rural and urban areas in India - including access, quality, management and service delivery. Regular Community Updates from the Solution Exchange for Water Community helps provide a consolidated outlook on the current water scenario coupled with updates regarding trainings, vacancies, funding agencies & much more! Water Community Update - No. 35 is the latest from Solution Exchange, some highlights from the same are: Upcoming Events include: Gender, Water and Equity Training Workshop, 18th World Congress of Environmental Journalists & much more. Upcoming Trainings: Application of Earth Observation - GIS in Integrated Water Resource Management, Water Leadership.

CII - Seminar on the packaged water industry
An insight on the seminar in Bangalore on 'Packaged water industry' Posted on 27 Jul, 2009 02:54 PM

The conference was held in Bangalore on 30th June 2009 at the ITC Windsor. With cities expanding, the need for drinking water is exponentially increasing. The municipal systems are stressed to breaking limits and more and more people are turning to bottled water. And this is the case not only in urban but in rural areas as well. Today, the bottled water industry is at 1000 crores and is visualised to expand more! In this context the Confederation of Indian Industries organised a seminar on the Packaged Water Industry on 30th June, 2009 to discuss the scope of the market, the standards of quality and the methods of disposing the waste produced due to the industry. The source for most of the drinking water in our country remains ground water. This contributes to 80% of drinking water in rural areas and 50% in urban areas. However, claimed Mr. T.M. Hunse, Regional Director of the Central Ground Water Board, the excessive usage of Groundwater is the direct cause of dry wells and the depleting levels of groundwater in the country. However, the need for bottled water cannot be denied. Despite conflicts between communities and bottled water plants, many of the country’s poor are at the mercy of the municipal supplies which are erratic and unreliable, he said. Bottled water provides an alternative way to access clean and healthy water. At the same time, it absolves the government of its duty and ends up leaving farmers high and dry. He placed full responsibility on the bottled water plants to ensure people safe water (especially when the groundwater is polluted) and work towards conscientiously using the existing groundwater supply in an egalitarian manner.

SAWAS: Changing water governance in India.
A call for papers on water governance and management in India Posted on 27 Jul, 2009 02:41 PM

SAWAS (South Asian Water Studies) calls for papers on longer-term perspectives on water governance and management (reform) in India. The papers should not exceed 5000 words (including references and footnotes). We are inviting original, well argued and accessibly written analyses of water sector reform experiences, assessments of future developments, discussion of dilemmas and contradictions, accounts of policy processes and policy instruments, etc.

Papers are to be submitted to Dr Daphne Gondhalekhar at ZEF, Bonn ( not later than September 30, 2009. Papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted (and eventually revised) papers will be published in a forthcoming issue of SAWAS (South Asian Water Studies)

For more information on the broad thematic aimed at, please download the Information Click here

Sambodhi Communications : Training schedule
Posted on 27 Jul, 2009 02:37 PM

Image and Content Courtesy: Excella Orbit

Excella Orbit, a division of Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd. is conducting a bouquet of trainings during the month of July, August & September, 2009 and January-March, 2010

July 28-31, 2009 - Basic & Advanced Analysis using SPSS, Hyderabad August 10-13, 2009 - Basic & Advanced Analysis using SPSS, New Delhi August 25-28, 2009 - Design & Development of Management Information System, New Delhi

Meteorological datasets: Download entire datasets for various meteorological indicators from 1901 to 2002
Resource rich app that allows you to download datasets for various meteorological indicators from 1901 to 2002 Posted on 27 Jul, 2009 10:52 AM

Meteorological data is essential for water resource planning and research. In India, this data is difficult to obtain for the average citizen. In this application, entire datasets for various meteorological indicators from 1901 to 2002, for any part of India, is made available for users, in a simple format.

Monsoon clouds at Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Vacancy: CSE needs Programme Coordinators/Senior researchers
Posted on 24 Jul, 2009 10:38 AM

CSE needs programme coordinators/senior researchers. To research, write, advocate and coordinate activities for environmental change

Book review of "The Humanure Handbook" by Joseph Jenkins, dealing with composting the human excreta
This is a book review of "The Humanure Handbook" by Joseph Jenkins, dealing with composting the human excreta.
Posted on 23 Jul, 2009 10:52 PM

Currently I am reading this book - "The Humanure Handbook" by Joseph Jenkins. I am impressed. If there is one thing human beings don't want to talk about, it is their excreta. I don't remember discussing managing the excreta with anyone - either at home or at school.

Notable new content: IELRC
A brief on IELRC contributions on national and state level policy instruments related to water Posted on 19 Jul, 2009 06:05 AM

v8_logotopleftThe International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC) ( is an independent, non-profit research organis
