
Boundary concepts for interdisciplinary analysis of irrigation water management – A working paper by Peter Mollinga
This paper by Peter Mollinga, University of Bonn reviews the boundary concept that has emerged in interdisciplinary irrigation studies in South Asia, particularly India. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 07:16 PM

The focus is concepts that capture the hybridity of irrigation systems as complex systems, and cross the boundaries of the natural and social sciences. 

Scope, structure and processes of National Environment Assessment and Monitoring Authority – A draft report of the Ministry of Environment and Forests
Huge gaps in monitoring and enforcement of clearance conditions actually defeats the very purpose of grant of conditional environmental clearance, the report says. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 01:10 PM

This report by the Indian Institute of Technology (Delhi) for the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) deals with the scope, structure and processes of the proposed National Environment Assessment and Monitoring Authority (NEAMA). The findings and recommendations of the project are based on an analysis of various research and committee reports, a critical review of the implementation of EIA notification 2006, CRZ notification 1991 & CZM Notification 2010, and a review of the international practices.

Blue harvest – Inland fisheries as an ecosystem service – A report by UNEP
The report highlights the integrative ecosystem approach to inland fisheries. Posted on 24 Aug, 2011 11:34 AM

CoverThis report by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) reviews the importance of inland fisheries as an ecosystem service, the pressures upon them, and management approaches to sustain them and thus helps inform future approaches to conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems.

There is an urgent need for major investment in policy and management approaches that address the direct and indirect drivers of aquatic ecosystem degradation and loss of inland fisheries taking into account their role in sustainable development and human well being. The UNEP Ecosystem Management Programme (UNEP-EMP) provides an effective framework for pursuing this challenge.

Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission – Report of an evaluation study by the Planning Commission (2010)
For long-term sustainability of the rural water supply schemes under the Mission, it is imperative to design State-specific plans of action, the study says. Posted on 23 Aug, 2011 10:17 PM

This evaluation study report by the Programme Evaluation Organisation, Planning Commission attempts to document the major achievements in rural water services under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission. It does so by assessing the extent of coverage and access to improved services in the rural areas.

Challenges of sustainable water quality management in rural India - Current Science
This paper published in the journal Current Science discusses the various factors that impact effective water quality management in rural India. Posted on 23 Aug, 2011 04:51 PM

FluorideThe article informs that access to safe drinking water remains an urgent necessity, as 30% of urban and 90% of rural households still depend completely on untreated surface or groundwater.

While access to drinking water in India has increased over the past decade, the tremendous adverse impact of unsafe water on health continues. It is estimated that about 21% of communicable diseases in India are water related.

Although some degree of intervention in terms of chlorination and monitoring of water quality exists in major cities and towns, rural India, which constitutes the bulk (70%) of the population, is usually deprived of such interventions. The population in rural India is mainly dependent on the groundwater as a source of drinking water. As a quality concern the groundwater is often found to be contaminated with fluoride, arsenic, iron and salts. In recent years, fluorosis has emerged as major public health issue in rural India.

Sanitation - The hygienic means of promoting health - Indian Journal of Public Health
There is compelling evidence that sanitation brings the greatest public health returns on investment among all development interventions, the article says. Posted on 23 Aug, 2011 11:10 AM

This article published in the Indian Journal of Public Health highlights the importance of sanitation as hygienic means of dealing with health of populations and presents the history and the definition of sanitation and highlights t

Biomass for sustainable development - Lessons for decentralized energy delivery in India – A report by World Bank
This report prepared by the World Bank and the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) deals with decentralized energy delivery in India. Posted on 22 Aug, 2011 07:55 PM

Biomass GasifierIt presents a summary of recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of energy service delivery through a decentralized program, which currently finds a critical place in the Government‘s energy policies and electrification targets.

The pilot phase of the Village Energy Security Programme has shown several lessons and the need for improvements.

The relevance of traditional knowledge for health, well being and sustainable development - Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
With commercialisation of natural resources, traditional knowledge that managed to maintain sustainable levels of exploitation has been sidelined, the report says. Posted on 22 Aug, 2011 12:27 PM

This paper published in the journal Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge is an attempt to discuss the traditional knowledge of elderly people, their role and highlights many areas w

Malaria control manual - Guidance for malaria control projects in humanitarian situations - Published by OXFAM
The report recommends that early diagnosis, treatment and community education are the basic responses that should be included in all malaria control programmes. Posted on 20 Aug, 2011 10:32 PM

This manual on the Eldis site published by OXFAM provides guidance to public health promoters, water and sanitation engineers, project co-ordinators

Draft of Land Acquisition and Resettlement & Rehabilitation Bill, 2011 in public domain - Comments invited by Ministry of Rural Development till 31st August, 2011
The MoRD has on 29th July, 2011 released the draft Land Acquisition and Resettlement and Rehabilitation bill, 2011 in public domain as part of the pre-legislative consultative process. Posted on 15 Aug, 2011 05:35 PM

Guest post by: Amita Bhaduri

The drafting of a new legislation on these issues was taken up by a Group of Ministers in May 2007 and this is the second draft bill presented by the UPA Government.
