
Ministry eases green norms for coal mine expansion
Policy matters this week: MoEF eases green norms for expanding coal mines; government to undertake review of existing water-related laws; site visit becomes mandatory before forest land diversion. Posted on 21 Jan, 2014 03:31 PM

Green norms eased for expanding coal mines

An open cast mine (Source: Garavi Gujarat)
Which way will the water flow?
The 12th Five Year Plan recognises that our current methods of water management have led to inequity. It suggests an approach that involves more input from non-government sources. Posted on 15 Jan, 2014 11:07 PM

In the 60-odd years since we began managing our own resources, we have managed to throttle and poison all our rivers, suck our groundwater resources nearly dry and shave our forests bald. This is despite a great deal of effort, time, thought and resources that have gone into this 'management'.

Ramaswamy Iyer, former Secretary Water Resources
Despite government funding, only 30% urban slums have toilets
News this week: Toilets in only 30% urban slums, pipeline being laid close to Golconda fort and 99 illegal dyeing units unearthed in Tirupur Posted on 08 Jan, 2014 12:03 PM

Welfare schemes not of much use to urban slums

Toilet-less in urban slums (Source:
Free online training on 'Starting a Mineral water Plant in India - Packaged Drinking Water Plant', Mineral Water Project Information, January 3, 2014
A free online programme for starters in mineral water plant.
Posted on 31 Dec, 2013 04:46 PM

For more information on the free online course, please click here.

For further details on the course and the meeting details, click here.

Placement sought for 'Post Graduate Diploma WASH students', Tata Institute of Social Sciences-TISS
These first batch 'WASH warriors' from diverse backgrounds are ready to work on the challenges in the WASH sector with utmost commitment and professionalism.
Posted on 28 Dec, 2013 09:20 AM

For more information on Tata Institute of Social Sciences-TISS, click here.

How do rural India's toilets measure up?
The Total Sanitation Campaign now called the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan is the country's flagship programme for improving rural sanitation, with a spend of Rs. 7000 crore every year. How is it faring? Posted on 28 Dec, 2013 12:21 AM

India's rural sanitation programme- Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC) was started in 1999, with a goal of eradicating open defecation. Renamed to Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA) in April 2012, the focus and approach of this programme was supposed to undergo a paradigm shift.

Toilets constructed under Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan
Indian troops polluting Siachen glacier: Pakistan
Policy matters this week: Pakistan says its main source of water supply is affected by Indian troops polluting the Siachen glacier, and Karnataka to increase the height of Almatti dam. Posted on 09 Dec, 2013 08:24 AM

Remove troops from Siachen: Pakistan

Indian Army, Siachen Source:
Hidden cost to cheaper alternate energy
Shale gas has recently made headlines the world over. How good is it for the environment and what is its water footprint, especially in the Indian context? Posted on 08 Dec, 2013 10:01 PM

Shale gas, like other petroleum products such as oil and coal, is formed from the remains of plants, animals and micro-organisms that lived millions of years ago. However, this natural gas is made up of shale formations, a common name for rock that was once layers of clay or mud. Since these rocks aren't very permeable, gas is trapped in it due to its inability to travel.

Fracking in shale gas production Source: Wikipedia
Request for Proposal ' Survey of GSF Programme Outcomes in India', Global Sanitation Fund
Invite to submit best technical and financial proposal to select the organizationsfor Survey of GSF Programme Outcomes in India .
Posted on 01 Dec, 2013 03:14 PM

For details on the Global Sanitation Fund, India, click here.

You may view details of the request here.

Please see attachment below for details on the Request for Proposal.

Applications invited for a special grants programme on sustainable river basin management 'Life for Rivers', World Wide Fund for Nature
The programme envisions creating a critical mass of knowledge and a vibrant network of ‘River Saviours’ who will contribute towards sustainable management of key rivers in India.
Posted on 24 Nov, 2013 10:10 AM

For more information on the World Wide Fund for Nature, India, please click here.

To view details on the special grants programme, click here or download the brochure from below.
