
Save the lakes campaign - Restore Hyderabad's Hussain Sagar
The ‘Save the Lakes’ Campaign was started by a number of concerned citizens in Hyderabad in order to restore the Hussain Sagar Lake. Posted on 20 Aug, 2009 02:48 PM

Read the report for a comprehensive background on the campaign, along with the techniques used, chronology and dateline as well as the important people to contact.

This link was sourced from the website of Centre of Science and Environment

Tribute to Narendranath, an organic farmer who passed away in Hyderabad
A tribute to Gorrepati Narendranath, well known human rights activist and organic farmer Posted on 19 Jul, 2009 05:36 AM


A low-cost wastewater treatment system: case study from Hyderabad
Anaerobic deep pond implemented at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, as a low-cost wastewater treatment system Posted on 16 May, 2009 11:47 AM

A low-cost wastewater treatment system consisting of an anaerobic, deep pond, which uses a digestion chamber for degrading various types of sewage sludge and the solids from the influent wastewater stream.
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Water issues faced in Hyderabad metropolitan city - A presentation by Hyderabad municipal water supply and sewerage board
The presentation deals with the present capacity, supply and supply situation, allocation of Singoor water and the Krishna water supply scheme Posted on 12 May, 2009 12:36 PM

This presentation by M G Gopal of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board deals with the water issues faced in the city. The issues presented include – (a) Inter-sectoral allocation (b) Meeting the demand (c) Maintaining quality standards (d) Reducing unaccounted for water (e) Recycle and reuse (f) Promoting rainwater and conservation (g) Implementation of CDS and (f) Is ‘privatisation’, a solution or a disaster?
