
Polavaram (embankments in Orissa and Chhattisgarh) proposal before EAC
Polavaram (embankments in Orissa and Chhattisgarh) proposal before EAC Posted on 16 Feb, 2009 11:14 AM

Himanshu Thakkar has attached herewith a letter just sent to the members of the MEF's Expert Appraisal Committee on the river valley projcets regarding the application of Andhra Pradesh to the MEF for "backdoor" clearance of the embankments to be constructed in Orissa and Chhattisgarh to "protect" the areas of these states from going under submergence due to the Polavaram project. The letter is self explanatory.

To: Mr. P. Abraham, Chairman,& All the members,Expert Appraisal Committee on River Valley & Hydroelectric projects, c/o Dr Bhowmik,Impact Assessment Division, Ministry of Environment and Forests, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003

Sub: Objections to EC for Polavaram Multi Purpose Project

Dear Chairman and members of the EAC on River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects, We have come to know from the agenda notes of the 23rd meeting of MoEF's Expert Appraisal Committee for River Valley and Hydroelectric Projects to be held on Feb 16-17, 2009 that the committee will be considering Polavaram Multipurpose Project in Andhra Pradesh by Government of Andhra Pradesh (No. J-12011/74/2005-IA.I) for the proposal for the construction of the embankments to protect the lands in Orissa and Chhattisgarh from going under submergence due to the proposed Polavaram project.

Environmental flows for Indian rivers:Need for a discussion to consider the health of the riverine ecosystems
Environmental flows for Indian rivers:Need for a discussion to consider the health of the riverine ecosystems Posted on 24 Apr, 2008 11:58 PM

India is facing a water crisis in nearly all the sectors. Fortunately or unfortunately, measures taken by the related authorities to combat the crisis often depends on the amount of 'noise' made by the relevant stakeholders. It is no wonder then, that the urban India, and especially the rich and the powerful in urban India, seldom have to face problems related to water scarcity, water quality or the sheer inequity in distribution. On the other hand, weaker the stakeholder, more severe are his ( rather 'her') problems. Marginal farmers, tail enders in a canal network, rural and urban poor, especially children and women, stand testimony to this situation. We all agree to this, right? Godavari Eflows

Godavari delta, destruction of mangroves 

But aren't we forgetting the the weakest, and in some ways, the strongest, of all the stakeholders? How about the ecosystem of the river itself??

Resources on Polavaram (Indira Sagar) dam
Resources on Polavaram (Indira Sagar) dam
Posted on 30 Jan, 2008 02:06 AM

The Polavaram project on the river Godavari in AP is in the news due to the rejection of the evironmental impact assessment and the subsequent stay on the rejection by the court. We have put together a page with resources on the Polavaram dam project for the Water Conflicts section. Click here
