Ganga - Yamuna Doab

Assessing and improving water productivity in conservation agriculture systems in the Indus-Gangetic basin – A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Access to water is central to livelihoods. Expansion in agricultural use of water is rapidly altering the availability of the resource calling in for water productivity in agricultural systems Posted on 22 Aug, 2010 02:38 PM

The paper by Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF) attempts to assess and improve water productivity in conservation agriculture systems in the Indus-Gangetic basin, in which during the past 40 years an intricate mosaic of interactions between man & nature, poverty & prosperity and problems & possibilities has emerged. Rapid expansion in agricultural water use is a common theme across these interactions and access to water is central to the livelihoods of the rural poor.

Water, climate change and adaptation: Focus on the Ganges river basin - A working paper by Challenge Program on Water and Food
Ganga river system secures and sustains the economy and environment of South Asia; exploring climate change and adaptation and water management of this gigantic basin Posted on 18 Aug, 2010 11:11 PM

This working paper by the Challenge Program for Water and Food explores the intersection between water management, climate change, and adaptation in the Ganges River system, a basin vital to the security, economy, and environment of South Asia. 

Recognizing that an understanding of both the science and the policy of water management, climate change, and adaptation is rapidly evolving, it is not the intention of the paper to encompass all the issues related to these broad fields, but rather to provide a starting framework from which to further develop research questions and priorities for work in water and adaptation.

Is irrigation water free? A reality check in the Indo-Gangetic Basin – A working paper by the Challenge Program on Water and Food
An exception to the global characterisation in the irrigation economy of the Indo-Gangetic basin Posted on 17 Aug, 2010 09:41 PM

The paper generated under the Challenge Program for Water and Food (CPWF) project explores in some depth a totally different dynamic in the irrigation economy of the vast Indo-Gangetic basin (IGB), an important exception to the global characterization. The global debate on ‘‘water as an economic good’’ presumes that irrigation water supply is delivered, controlled, and priced by public institutions. In the developing world, the price of water is kept so low that water use cost leaves farmers no incentive to use it efficiently. 

Indo-Gangetic river basins: Summary situation analysis by Challenge Program on Water and Food
A situation analysis of water, agriculture and poverty in the Indo-Gangetic basin Posted on 16 Aug, 2010 07:37 PM

The paper by the Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF) - Basin Focal Project provides a brief situation analysis related to water, agriculture & poverty, water resources, water productivity, institutional aspects and opportunities & risks related to the development of the Indo-Gangetic basin (IGB). Management of IGB water resources presents some formidable challenges and, therefore, steps must be taken towards integrated management of the IGB’s water and land resources in order to ensure the future sustainability of all production and ecosystems in the basin. 

Optimal operation of groundwater skimming wells A study of 90 wells along the river Yamuna at Palla,North Delhi
This report examines the problem involving the pumping of groundwater from a group of 90 existing wells along the banks of the Yamuna River, northwest of Delhi (India), underlain with geologically occurring saline water. Posted on 02 Jul, 2010 04:49 PM


Map depicting areas prone to flooding in India
A map from Wikimedia Commons showing the areas frequently affected by floods in India Posted on 19 Aug, 2009 03:48 PM

This map shows the regions in the country that are regularly affected by floods.

The major flood prone regions are Punjab, Haryana, most of the Gangetic plains including Uttar Pradesh, North Bihar and West Bengal, the Brahmaputra valley, coastal Andhra Pradesh and Orissa, and South Gujarat.
