
Budget beyond gender
Women are not considered farmers despite their active participation in farming in rural India. A gender responsive budget and its implementation are essential to support and empower women farmers. Posted on 08 Apr, 2017 08:00 PM

Sneh Bhati, a 52-year-old farmer from Madanpur Khadar in Delhi’s fringes finds the change in the landscape of her 100-year-old village in the last two decades remarkable. Yet it has not taken away the rural charm.

It's her field too: Policies and budgets for women are a good beginning towards gender parity in agriculture.
Going wild in a bustling city
Once ravaged by the mining industry, Asola Bhatti, the only wildlife sanctuary in Delhi is a refreshing sight now with dense flora and a thriving wildlife. Posted on 12 Mar, 2017 09:11 PM

The reclusive family decides to stay indoors due to the overcast sky on a Sunday morning. The parents are seen walking down the road twice, but they dart back after noticing the visitors. The golden jackals are not known for gregariousness, at least not towards humans. The nature trail to meet these canines would remain as cloudy as the sky.

Nilgai (blue bull) is in abundance at the sanctuary.
Effluent treatment plant a must for industries: SC
Policy matters this week Posted on 27 Feb, 2017 08:03 PM

SC gets strict with industrial units 

A creek near a thermal power plant. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Act to clean up the system
In our quest to feature unsung heroes who go about their good work silently, we met Pushpa RTI, an enthusiastic right to information activist, who fights for transparency in governance. Posted on 27 Feb, 2017 01:53 PM

With the Right to Information (RTI) Act coming into force in the year 2005, the country saw many RTI activists making the most of it to demand the rights and entitlements of the people from the government. Pushpa, warmly known as Pushpa RTI, is one of them.

Women at Jan Jagriti Sanvad organised by Lok Shakti Manch. (Source: Lok Shakti Manch)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Organisations/NGOs working in Water and Sanitation
A curated directory of civil society organisations working on water and sanitation in India Posted on 24 Jan, 2017 03:43 PM

This guide lists out the organisations/ NGOs in the Water and Sanitation sector, across the country. Please click on a topic to view more detailed information.

List of organisations in water & sanitation sector
Capital punishment
While Delhi gasps for fresh air, its green lung, the Delhi ridge, is shrinking in space due to encroachment. Posted on 20 Jan, 2017 08:37 PM

It may come as a surprise to many that Delhi, a bustling metropolis and home to a population of over 18.6 million, has one of the largest stretches of forests in the country bang in the middle of the city.

Kamala Nehru forest in the northern part of the ridge is home to several historical monuments. (Source: Harsha NH, Wikimedia Commons)
NGT takes note of Chambal river e-flow
Policy matters this week Posted on 25 Dec, 2016 06:54 PM

NGT seeks MP, Rajasthan's opinion on maintaining e-flow in Chambal river

Chambal river near Kota (Source: Wikimedia commons)
SYL crisis: Punjab demands payment for water
Policy matters this week Posted on 21 Nov, 2016 06:21 AM

Three states will have to pay for water: Punjab House

Yamuna river (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
NGT raps Delhi government over air pollution
News this week Posted on 14 Nov, 2016 05:59 AM

Environment minister calls Delhi pollution 'emergency situation'

Delhi shrouded in smog. (Source: Jean-Etienne Minh-Duy/Flickr)
Kerala declares its districts drought-hit
News this week Posted on 07 Nov, 2016 09:51 AM

All 14 districts in Kerala have been declared drought-hit

Parched land during drought in India. (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)