Chennai District

ICEST 2012 invites papers for 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Chennai – Apply by December 10, 2011
Posted on 20 Nov, 2011 02:26 PM

Content courtesy: OpenSpace


3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2012 (ICEST 2012) on March10 to 11, 2012, at Chennai, India.

The aim of the ICEST conference series is to provide a forum for laying the foundations of a new principled approach to Environmental Science and Technology. To this end, the meeting aims to attract participants with different backgrounds, to foster cross-pollination between different research fields, and to expose and discuss innovative theories, frameworks, methodologies, tools, and applications.

The challenges of ecological sanitation in coastal south India - A case study of Kovalam town - South Chennai (Tamil Nadu) - A presentation
Involvement of women in designing toilets was very important for the success of the programme, the presentation says. Posted on 11 Aug, 2011 05:48 PM

This presentation by Sekhar Raghavan, Director, Rain Centre, Chennai, India highlights the experiences and the challenges faced by Rain Centre in introducing ecological sanitation in the coastal town of Kovalam near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India along with Coastal and Rural development Trust (CRDT), a small non profit centre based in Kovalam .

The coastal town of Kovalam was selected as a case because of its peculiar situation with its location in a fast developing  peri-urban area in proximity to Chennai city characterised by good groundwater situation, adequate land and housing facilities, but with a glaring and urgent need and demand for toilets.

Chennai coastal carnival for children, CEE, SAARC, August 4 – 6, 2011, Chennai
Posted on 15 Jul, 2011 03:51 PM

Chennai coastal carnival for children, CEE, SAARC, August 4 – 6, 2011, ChennaiOrganizers:

  • Centre for Environment Education (CEE)
  • South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)

Venue: Bharath Scout and Guide campus, Wenlock Park (opposite Triplicane Railway Station, Marina Beach, Chennai

Launch of film 'Mercury in the Mist', NFSC, July 1, 2011, Chennai
Posted on 01 Jul, 2011 11:10 AM

National Folklore Support Centre (NFSC) Organizers:

Conference against warming the globe 2011, Tamil Nadu, July 22 – 24, 2011, Madurai
Posted on 28 Jun, 2011 05:46 PM

Conference against warming the globe 2011

Venue: Thamukkam Ground, Madurai, Tamil Nadu


  • Impact of warming the globe–Scientific and social background
  • Politics of global warming 
  • Interconnection between present development model and warming the globe/deteriorating climate 
  • Towards alternative development, initiating nature-friendly and human-friendly measures
The annual young environmental scientist award for school children, Industrial Waste Management Association, 16th – 17th September, 2011, Chennai
Posted on 14 Jun, 2011 03:41 PM

The annual young environmental scientistOrganizer: Industrial Waste Management Association (IWMA)

Venue: Chennai


  • Junior level (class VIII to X )
    • Recycling/Reuse of materials/waste products
    • Rain water harvesting
    • Methods to manage domestic garbage – starting from home
    • Water conservation
Sekhar Raghavan speaks about saving our water
Talk by Sekhar Raghavan, Rain Centre, at the Rotary Club of Madras South weekly meeting on 26 April 2011 on rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation Posted on 16 May, 2011 06:51 PM

Content Courtesy: Rotary Madras South

Talk by Sekhar Raghavan, Rain Centre, at the Rotary Club of Madras South weekly meeting on 26 April 2011 on rainwater harvesting and ecological sanitation - Part 1.


2nd National research conference on climate change, Indian Institute of Technology Madras(IITM), 11th – 13th July 2011, Chennai
Posted on 12 May, 2011 01:28 PM

National Research Conference on Climate ChangeOrganizers:

  • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
  • Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)
  • Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Sustainable urban water supply in south India : Desalination, efficiency improvement, or rainwater harvesting?
The authors propose a framework that makes it possible to evaluate a wider range of centralized and decentralized policies for urban water supply than previously considered. Posted on 11 May, 2011 05:26 PM


A hydrologic-economic modeling approach for analysis of urban water supply dynamics in Chennai, India
In this paper, we discuss a challenging water resources problem in a developing world city, Chennai India. Posted on 11 May, 2011 05:21 PM


The goal is to reconstruct past system behavior and diagnose the causes of a major water crisis.  In order to do this, we develop a hydrologic-engineering-economic model to address the complexity of urban water supply arising from consumers’ dependence on multiple interconnected sources of water. 
