Bay of Bengal

Adsorption of lead and zinc ions on sediments - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study deals with adsorption of lead and zinc ions on the bed sediments of river Kali in western Uttar Pradesh.The process influences the transport of pollutants in aquatic environment. Posted on 29 Jun, 2010 10:53 PM

The study deals with adsorption of lead and zinc ions on the bed sediments of river Kali in western Uttar Pradesh. Adsorption is one of the most important processes in water quality control, which influences the transport of pollutants in aquatic environment.

Development of data simulation model and irrigation schedules for Eastern Godavari delta (Andhra Pradesh) - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study has been conducted to develop a data simulation model and irrigation schedules for the eastern Godavari delta irrigation system, Andhra Pradesh. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 11:45 PM

The study has been conducted to develop a data simulation model and irrigation schedules for the eastern Godavari delta irrigation system, Andhra Pradesh. It aims at analysis of various factors that influence the irrigation operations and development of appropriate mathematical models and associated computer programs.

Modeling at Vasishta-Godavari river mouth using FESWMS – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to undertake surface modeling to simulate the water levels in the mouth portion of Vasishta-Godavari by taking the tidal effect during a flood season using FESMWS. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 10:54 PM

The study attempts to undertake surface modeling to simulate the water levels in the mouth portion of Vasishta-Godavari by taking the tidal effect during a flood season, by using the Finite Element Surface Water Modeling System (FESMWS) developed by United States Geological Survey (USGS) to model the reach. The objective is to simulate the surface water flow for a flood discharge of 2.35 lakh cusecs, under the effect of diurnal tide at the bay end.

The surface water levels of a river, especially at the mouth are required for planning and managing flood alleviation schemes and river engineering works. In the lower reaches of many rivers, flood plain inundation may result from very high tide or a very high flood or a combination of both. Also the extent of landward intrusion of saline water into a river at mouth varies with the relative strength of freshwater discharge and the co-oscillating tidal flow resulting from the dynamical interaction of the adjacent coastal waters.

Arsenic pollution in groundwater in West Bengal – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The report describes the results of the study of arsenic pollution in groundwater in Nadia as well as the hydro-chemical study of the river Hoogly in West Bengal. Posted on 28 Jun, 2010 09:08 PM

The report describes the results of the study of arsenic pollution in groundwater in Nadia as well as the hydro-chemical study of the river Hoogly in West Bengal. The alluvial tract along the river Hoogly covering a stretch of around 470 km encompassing eight districts is affected by arsenic pollution of ground water, the source being geogenic.

Rainfall-runoff modeling in Baitarni river upto Anandpur using HEC-1 model - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study applies a hydraulic simulation model, Hydrologic Engineering Centre (HEC-1) to Baitarni river for modelling hourly flows of the river at Anandapur gauging site. Posted on 26 Jun, 2010 11:53 PM

The study applies a hydraulic simulation model, Hydrologic Engineering Centre (HEC-1) to Baitarni river for modeling hourly flows of the river at Anandapur gauging site. HEC-1 model had been developed by US Army Corps of Engineers, for rainfall-runoff modeling. It provides a powerful automatic optimization technique for estimation of some of the parameters. The optimization technique of the model has been utilized in the present study and model parameters have been calibrated and validated for the study area.

Computation of water surface profile using HEC river analysis system - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study uses HEC-RAS to analyse the water surface profiles of Malaprabha river system upto Khanapur for different combinations of discharges through various reaches of the river system. Posted on 24 Jun, 2010 11:15 PM

The study uses HEC-RAS to analyse the water surface profiles of Malaprabha river system upto Khanapur for different combinations of discharges through various reaches of the river system. The river system is divided into eleven reaches, and forty one cross sections have been measured and interpolated within these reaches.

Discharge values have been assigned for different reaches according to the ratio of contributing area for each reach. The bridge across the river at Khanapur is reproduced in the modeling system to test its capabilities. Various return period floods have been allowed to pass through the river system to compute the individual water surface profiles.

Hydrochemical studies of Hindon river, UP - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
A detailed survey of the river Hindon in Uttar Pradesh, was carried out to understand the nature of waste effluents and their impact on water quality. Posted on 23 Jun, 2010 07:49 PM

A detailed survey of the river Hindon was carried out to understand the nature of waste effluents and their impact on water quality.  As per the study, the river water is subject to varying degrees of pollution, caused by numerous untreated waste outfalls of municipal and industrial effluents.

The main sources, which create pollution in the river, include municipal wastes of Saharanpur, Muzaffarnagar and Ghaziabad districts received through tributaries as well as direct outfalls. In the non-monsoon months, the river is completely dry, right from its origin upto Saharanpur town. The effluents of Nagdev nala and Star Paper Mill at Saharanpur generate the flow of water in the river.

Pollution potential of pesticides in the Hindon river – A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to find out the pollution potential in the Hindon river, a polluted river in western Uttar Pradesh. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:07 AM

The study attempts to find out the pollution potential in the Hindon river, a polluted river in western Uttar Pradesh. Qualitative and quantitative estimation of pesticides was done using gas chromatography. Among various organic, inorganic and biological water pollutants, pesticides are very dangerous and harmful because of their carcinogenic properties. Pesticides are bio-accumulative and relatively stable and therefore require close monitoring.

Variation of soil moisture characteristics in a part of the Hindon river catchment - A research report by the National Institute of Hydrology
The study attempts to do a field and laboratory determination of soil moisture characteristics in a part of the Hindon river catchment. Posted on 22 Jun, 2010 08:03 AM

The study attempts to do a field and laboratory determination of soil moisture characteristics such as particle size distribution, hydraulic conductivity and soil moisture retention curve in a part of the Hindon river catchment and studies the variation of these along the river in its upstream reach.

Development of regional flood formulae using L-moments for middle Ganga plains – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology
The study develops regional flood frequency relationship and flood formulae based on recently developed efficient techniques of flood frequency analysis. Posted on 21 Jun, 2010 04:45 PM

The study develops regional flood frequency relationship and flood formulae based on recently developed efficient techniques of flood frequency analysis to estimate floods of desired return periods for small to moderate size gauged and ungauged catchments of the middle Ganga plains (sub-zone 1F) encompassing parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal. A regional flood formula has been developed by coupling the L-moment based regional flood frequency relationship with the regional relationship between mean annual peak flood and the catchment area.
