Bangalore Urban and Rural District

Invitation to 'the World Walks for Water and Sanitation', Bangalore, Bangalore
The aim of this walk is to bring about a water usage & sanitation awareness (especially the Public Toilet Culture) among the residents of Bangalore.
Posted on 05 Feb, 2014 08:35 PM


Walk for Water and Sanitation
Rurals move away from agriculture: Assocham
News this week: Rural employment in agriculture reduces significantly; Activists demand 'Sarus Safari' in UP; 285 people in Karnataka died drinking contaminated water between 2010-13. Posted on 02 Feb, 2014 10:08 PM

'Rural job profile observes a significant change'

Decline in agriculture (Source: Neil Palmer, CIAT)
Drinking water quality worst in Kerala: Report
News this week: NSSO says drinking water quality worst in Kerala, migratory birds desert flooded wetland and villagers protest against hydel project in Uttarakhand. Posted on 29 Dec, 2013 04:50 PM

Kerala scores worst in access to potable water: NSSO

House wells not safe? (Source: Wikimedia)
Environment Ministry withdraws controversial amendment
Policy matters this week: Environment ministry withdraws amendments to waste rules, Odisha sanctions 12 crores for water in slums and the NGT halts dam construction in Manipur. Posted on 19 Nov, 2013 11:48 AM

Environment Ministry withdraws amendment to waste rules

New amendment to waste rules withdrawn (Wikimedia)
Invite to a public discussion on 'Land, Water, Livestock, People and the Commons', Karnataka Rajya Amritmahal Kaval Hitarakshana Samiti, Bangalore
An event towards informing public opinion on Amritmahal Kavals, the traditional grazing pastures in the Deccan Plains of Karnataka, through conversations and debates.
Posted on 18 Nov, 2013 11:33 AM

To view more on Amritmahal Kavals, click here.

To view the original message in Kannada, please click here.

You may download the invite in English from below.

Karnataka Amritmahal Kaval Hitarakshana Samiti
Invitation to celebrate 'The World Fish Migration Day 2014', Mahseer Trust, Bangalore
Call for participation with an aim of raising awareness and spreading appreciation for migratory freshwater fishes and riverine ecosystems in India.
Posted on 11 Nov, 2013 01:09 PM

For more information on 'The World Fish Migration Day 2014', click here.

To know more on the organisation, Mahseer Trsut, click here.

For further details on the event, please download the brochure from below.

 Mahseer Trust
Applications invited for various job openings, Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society, Bangalore
Opportunity to work with a society that aims to promote better environment especially for less privileged, disadvantaged and marginalised groups.
Posted on 10 Nov, 2013 02:32 PM

For more information on the organisation, Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society, please click here and here.

The openings are for the following vacancies:

Invite to the 'Philanthropy Awards 2013', Forbes India, Bangalore, November 29, 2013
An opportunity for promising young NGOs to get a chance to benefit from the expertise of an audience that includes jury members and short-listed nominees of the Forbes India Philanthropy Awards.
Posted on 04 Nov, 2013 11:07 AM

To know more on the Award function, click here.

For more information on the Forbes India Philanthropy Awards, please click here.

Vacancy for the post of 'Field Coordinator', SELCO Foundation, Bangalore
The organization's mission is to understand problems faced by un-served and under-served communities and bridge the last mile implementation gap.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 12:24 PM

For more information on the organisation, please click here.

For further details on the vacancy, click here.

Invitation to a seminar on '‘Making public services work for the poor - A Karnataka experience ’, Centre for Budget Policy Studies, Bangalore
A seminar to present some of CBPS's recent research and through them go deeper into the discussions that have surrounded the issue of making public service work for the poor.
Posted on 18 Oct, 2013 11:37 AM

For more information on the organisers, Centre for Budget and Policy Studies (CBPS), please click here.

Please download the Draft Agenda for the seminar and the Background Note for the same from below.


Centre for Budget Policy Studies, Bangalore