Need information on well water filteration

May I get to know what is the process required to filter well water for drinking purpose. And what would be the cost involved?


Raj Pathare

Query on water overflow from tank


I heard about stopping water overflow from tank in an interview. I have installed a water level indicator costing Rs.700 at my home and my inlaw's home. Please do share other ideas to…

How is large-scale removal of village water (by tankers) for sale to industrial units and tourists treated by different Indian states?


How is large-scale removal of village water (by tankers) for sale to industrial units and tourists treated by different Indian states? I am asking this because we have a problem in…

Need rainfall data for a project in Banda District

Hello IWP,

We are working on a proposal to establish a bioenergy plantation on our plant in Banda district. We would like to know the rainfall data over the last 4 years and which region of…

Query on backwash UF purifiers


I want to check if there are any "Auto Backwash" UF Water Purifiers available in India? I have seen some RO membranes which can be auto backwashed, but not UF on the net.  


Query on how to reopen a closed borewell


I have a borewell that I dug 2 years back, whose depth is 1000 ft. I got water at 850',but after 10 days of pumping water, the water suddenly stopped. When i checked with the bore well…

Need information on suppliers of Activated Carbon cloth and carbon aerogel in India


We are in search of suppliers for Activated Carbon Cloth and Carbon Aerogel in India. If you know any supplier then please let us know their names and contact addresses.


Recycling of backwash water from the softener (ion exchange process) in apartment complex: Information needed

Hello all,

I have a question regarding the recycling of the backwash water from the water treatment plant in our apartment complex. This plant works on ion exchange (and hence uses salt to…

Solution needed to resolve muddy water from 130 ft bore depth


We dug a borewell just 20 days back. According to the person who dug the bore, at 110 ft, a rock layer was found, and from 130 ft  to 140 ft loose soil was there. From 140 to 180 soft…

Query on drip irrigation system installation

Dear Sir 

I wish to have a drip irrigation system installed in my agriculture land. Kindly guide me how and where I can get govt assistance in this matter.



Query on starting a packaged drinking water plant


I want to start a packaged drinking water plant. Please share more information on the same with me, how to start it and how much investment will be needed. I already have my own land…

Need to know how to locate water point for new borewell


What is the best way to locate a water point to dig a new? I would like information on both traditional and scientific ways.




Query on borewell that has stopped working in Chandanagar, Hyderabad.

Dear IWP

Please suggest to me how to do rain water harvesing for this borewell which is 480 feet deep, and has stoped working. The soil is black clay type soil and I can see that the water…

Need information on submersible pumps


I am a farmer, and I have a 5hp pump set.The motor was to be pulled out for windinging, but only the pump came out and not the motor. It is 50 ft below the ground surface, and I need…

Query on dissolved solids


I have a few questions regarding dissolved solids. Could you share information on the following:

  1. What is the range of dissolved solids in drinking water in the country?
Need clarification on the existing rules set by Telangana through WALTA

Dear IWP

In nee information on a few things in a residential colony:

1.  What should be the minimum distance between 2 borewells?

2.  What is the permissible diameter of the…

Cyanides in Industrial Water


We are exploring Laboratories in India who can perform Water Testing including Cyanides in Water. Could you share this information with us?


Atul Arora


What is the purpose of UV in a UF purifier?


I am told UF with a pore size of 0.01 micron filters out all living orgranisms. if that is the case, why do most companies use both UV + UF? What is the purpose of purifiers having…

What's the way to prevent open well from filling up & use it for ground water recharge

Dear IWP

Near my area a large open well exists, but it is filled by road waste and soil. How can I prevent the open well from closing up, and use it as a rechrge well?

