Air Compressor or Submersible Motor - Which one suits when there is limited availability of borewell water

Hello, I reside in a village nearby to Madurai, Tamil Nadu. We own a farmland of five acres, in which we recently dug a borewell of 1000 ft depth, as our farm land heavily rely on the borewater.…

Allowed depth for borewell in Hyderabad

(Received through email)


I would like to know what is maximum allowed depth for a borewell? My next plot owner already went till 2000 and they are digging close to our …

Question regarding electromagnetic water conditioner

(Question received through email)

Dear sir/madam,

I am interested to know whether the electromagnetic water conditioners are certified by you/other bodies/institutions for…

Question regarding fog harvesting

(Question received through email)

What are the climate conditions required for fog harvesting?




Found boulders while digging borewell

Hello, I tried digging borewell & at 35 Ft borewell operator stopped drilling due to presence of boulders. Is this true that one cannot drill further if there are boulders present? What is the…

What to do with domestic wastewater?

We are living in flats. We have separate tank for storing kitchen & bathroom water. Now the tank is overflowing. What should we do with the excess water as we cannot recycle it and there is no…

Installation of borewell for domestic purpose

i need to know all the points to be considered before the installation of a borewell for a family of 10 members.

Location: Shela, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Drilling a borewell in Kancheepuram

I am thinking to do a borewell at my house. I would like to know what would be the approximate cost for it, how deep is recommended and how long does it take to complete the work?

Borewell under closed roof which is 12ft - Chennai

There is no space in my house to dig a borewell. Only space available is 10ft height and 3ft width. Is it possible to dig a borewell?

Tamilnadu : Is there a rule for digging open wells near a river

To dig an open well near a river, is there a rule in Tamil Nadu specifying the distance between the open well and the river ?

Sewage water mixed in borewell


We have our 100ft borewell dug in 2013. Recently our drainage got clogged and the sewage water got mixed in our borewell. Now the drainage clogging has been cleared but still the…

Problem in borewell water

We have a borewell which giver smelly water during rainy days. Any reliable and perment solution to test the water and fix it to have a clean water.

Borewell is not holding the water

I have constructed a borewell near the Electronic City in Bangalore around two months back. We had dug around 1030 feet when we get 2 inches water. We stopped the borewell after digging another 5…

Distance between borewell and septic tank

The distance between the septic tank and borewell is 15 ft and the dimension of the septic tank is 11X6X7 ft. Is this distance between the septic tank and borewell ok or not? Any suggestions.

What are the ways to succeed driling in a loose soil?

We have drilled borewell upto 575 ft through sensor vehicle and used filter pipe and yet at 300ft it has been collapsed when checked through camera testing. However, at the same site we drilled …

Query regarding groundwater use

Is there any policy of how the groundwater in urban residential area can be used? Can groundwater from these areas be used for commercial purposes? And how can one get the required licensed for…

Installing of submersible pump in a borewell where there is no water source

We drilled borewell in the month of October and we went until 1120 feet but we didn't find any source of water. The drilling person mentioned that water of 0.5" is available. We thought that it is…

Need to know the usuability of well water for construction purpose

Need help on this. I had recently tested a newly dug well to use water for construction purpose. All parameters except the alkalinity were within permissible limits. Your feedback will be…

Low votlage issue in running a submersible pump

I have a borewell with a depth of 365 ft in which I have installed a 3/20 submersible pump. However, due to low voltage issue I am not able to extract the water. It is extracted only when nearby…

Need to know the point source for digging a borewell


I am a farmer and totally depends on farming for my livelihood. I want to dig a borewell in my field. Can it be tested properly so that I can get an idea of where to drill?
