Soak pit functionality, placement & troubleshooting in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Our society is small, has 40 flats and is facing a soak pit problem. The builder had combined our flats' soak pit with a shopping complex.  Although the shopping complex has only one office and…

Problems in drilling borewell due to rock layer in Anjanapura, Bangalore, Karnataka

I stay in Anjanapura in Bangalore south and we already have two bore wells in our apartment which were dug some 5 years back to a depth of around 400 feet.  Recently the water yield from these 2…

Environment guidelines for Hyderabad (HUDA), Andhra Pradesh : Need details on different wastewater treatment methods

We are doing a study for HUDA (Hyderabad Urban Development Authority) “Preparation of Environmental Building Guidelines for Hyderabad”. I am in the process of working…

Water calculation tool : Need statistics or audits based on urban water consumption patterns

I am trying to build a simple water use calcuation tool that could help a person calculate the water saved by installing water saving taps, cisterns, rainwater harvesting, grey water recycling etc…

Developing learning material on WASH for school children in Raipur, Chhattisgarh - Need inputs in designing the materials

From Sarita Thakore Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Ahmedabad
Posted 27 May 2008

I work for the Centre…

Water resources, needs, and conservation: Finding answers in the Indian context

The India Water Portal web site is very interesting. Its a great source of inspiration for me. I am studying in Apeejay School -- Delhi, I seek answers to my following questions.  I am studying in…

Failed borewell in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh : Need advice on chances of recharge

Iam from Hyderabad. Few weeks back I had a borewell dug at my house. Till around 600feet we didnt hit any water it. Later we checked it and we find that it has water in it. My question is can a…

CDM regulations related to distance between runs of hydroprojects

My query is regarding hydro power projects for CDM.   Is there a requirement for a minimum distance between two run of the river  hydro projects, for both the projects to be eligible for CDM.…

Hard water remediation: Need details of water softener supplier in Assam

I am a resident of Shillong. The water here is very hard. Could you tell me if there are water softeners for domestic purposes? And if yes, could you give me a list of suppliers in Assam?

Motor buried in loose mud after bore collapse : Need advice to retrieve motor

The depth of the borewell is 200'. The motor stopped pumping water as the motor got buried in loose mud caused by the collapse of the bore. The motor is attached to a HDPE pipe. Attempt to lift if…

How to test the purity of water obtained through reverse osmosis?

Concerned with the deteriorating water quality at Tirupati where I live, I have been using ISI-certfied packaged drinking water…

Pipe blockage due to borewell water: Need suggestions on filtration and other treatment methods to improve quality

I have a bore well which supply water to for about 200 to 250 people. The problem is this water can not be used for human consumption or even for cooking. This…

Need borewell drilling agencies contacts, service and costs in locating groundwater in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh

I have a 13 acres of agricultural land at Orvakal,Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh. I would like to dig a borewell, what will the estimated expenditure be for 250 depth borewell? .For digging a borewell…

Need contact details of water prospecting agencies in Oothukotai,North Tamilnadu

I have 5 acres of land in North Tamilnadu near OOTHUKOTAI. I have to find the water within my land. Is there any help available in goverment or private party with equipments for the same?. I need…

COD, BOD limits In drinking water

What is the maximum permissible limit of COD&BOD in the drinking water, if they are present ?


Research opportunities in GIS & remote sensing

I have just completed M.Tech degree in Water Resources Development and Management from IIT Kharagpur with my thesis work on Reservoir Sedimentation estimation using Remote Sensing and GIS. I am…

Disadvantages of MBBR systems

Can i know more about the disdavantages of MBBR systems?


Cost & comparison of various effluent treatment methods

Wat will be the cost of STP capacity 300KLD (FAB)? Which one is better FAB or EAP or MBBR?

 Anoj Singh

Need advice in identifying ideal positions for RWH structures via satellite imaging

I believe that,underground water gets enriched by the rain water entering some of the cracks on the crust of the earth.
Such cracks might have been filled by soil now and may not be visible…

Roof based collection system in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need horizontal, stainless steel filter for RWH

I am planning to implement a RWH system at home (in Bangalore). The objective is to collect the water from the terrace into a loft tank in the toilet so that it can be used for toilet flushing…
