Nano-technology available for water softening (if any) & auto-mutiport valves for (India) domestic systems

(1) What is the current status of reliable nano-technology based systems available for water softening in particular and controlled water purification in market.

(2) What are some reliable,…

Where to discharge excess treated STP water ?

Hello Sir,

I live in a apartment in South Bangalore which houses 160 flats. We have STP installed in our apartment complex. Excess treated STP water is used currently for flushing and…

While drilling borewell 20 feet PVC pipe has been broken inside.


While drilling borewell the 20 feet long PVC pipe has been broken. The team told that not able to remove this pipe so only do drill again on the pipe inside and destroy it. And they did…

Greywater recycling for toilet use

What kind of systems do we need to put in for recycling the greywater into my toilet tank?

Distance between two borewells

What is the minimum distance we should keep from neighbour's boundary to digg a borewell?

High flow water pressure system

I want to have a sprinkler system.

Total length of pipe 150 ft
Diameter of pipe - 1"
Maximum head height = 30 feet
Suction lift - 0 feet for submersible…
Sewage treatment plant for small scale industry

We are a small scale industry with only nine persons in the plant including directors. We are having soak pit but is STP a must for us?

Query regarding borewell motor and pump


Would like to know the specifications of motor and pump for my borewell which is 500ft deep. Is 2hp motor with 20 point sump suitable?

Can I use hose pipe drops for existing borewell?

Now a days people are using hose pipes for borewell instead of rigid pvc or gi pipes of 20 ft each. Can I use hose pipes for a borewell of 70 feet where water is there for 36 feet. Currently it…

Clarity over applicability of Factories Act, 1948 and Boilers Act, 1923 in running a Sewage Treatment Plant ( 74 MLD and 56 MLD)

I want to know whether Factories Act, 1948 and Boilers Act, 1923 applicable for operating Sewage Treatment Plants of 74 MLD and 56 MLD, respectively.

What are the legal compliance/ approvals…

Compartments in overhead water tank

Is it necessary to provide compartments in overhead water tank ? If so, why is it needed?

Query regarding groundwater recharge

Dear sir,

How can I recharge groundwater where after 14ft only rock is there and no soil is present. How will the water get recharged?

Weather dataset from 2002 to 2015 for Maharashtra

I need temperature and rainfall datasets for Maharashtra with different districts. This is required for crop yield prediction for my project work. Please help me.

Groundwater policy, present situation

What is the current situation of groundwater policy? I want to know the pitfalls and probable difficulties in its implementation. Is there any strong action planned against borewell machines,…

We want HUDA water connection in our office

We want HUDA water connection in our office. We want to know about what is the process of connection.

Training on quality analysis for drinking water

With respect to the above-cited subject request you to give us detailed information regarding any training programmes conducted.

Rainfall and temperature data

I want to work on climate variability (Monthly Rainfall and Temperature) of Andhra Pradesh using last 30 years monthly data, so please tell me the procedure to get the "gridded monthly data" from…

Contacts of agencies conducting e-flows study

Can I get names and contacts of agencies which conduct e-flows studies?

Is mixing of treated and potable water required before releasing into domestic flush systems?

We are from a society with 840 flats in 4 blocks of 21 floors each. Our builder and the STP person says that it is recommended to have a 50/50 or 60/40 ratio of sewage treated water and potable…

Reuse of greywater

Hi Sir,

I want to reuse greywater for flushing tank at appartment with four floors and 16 flats. Want to use wastewater from bathroom, washing machine and kitchen for flushing in toilets.…
