National Foundation for India invites applications for its 18th National Media Fellowship programme - Apply by November 30, 2012

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About the National Foundation for India

The National Foundation for India is an independent, Indian grant-making and fundraising body, helping people improve their own lives. NFI has partnered with a number of Indian and international donor agencies and is a professionally managed and financially accountable foundation.

Through the sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices, NFI today addresses some of the greatest challenges facing the country.  NFI uses two instruments – development action and development communication – to work across seven thematic areas.  These include: Community Health, Elementary Education, Local Governance, Livelihood Security; Peace & Justice, Citizens and Society, Development Journalism.  The aim is to create lasting change by building healthy communities and promoting sustainable development.

About the fellowship

Recognizing the need to play a proactive role in bringing development concerns more prominently to the public agenda, in 1994 the National Foundation for India launched its National Media Fellowship Programme.  The fellowships aim to incorporate areas of social and development concerns not only for their own merit but also for the purpose of media sensitization to bring development concerns to the realm of public consciousness in order to facilitate a more informed development policy discourse.

The Foundation awards between nine and twelve fellowships each year.  Under the fellowship the print journalists are expected to research, write and publish with a byline 10 articles on their chosen topic.  Photojournalists are expected to write and publish five photo essays and mount an exhibition of his/her work at the end of the fellowship period.

Objectives of the fellowship

The broad objectives of the National Media Fellowship are to promote effective communication that draws attention to development concerns, encourages excellence in journalism and facilitates a more informed development policy.  More specifically the fellowship aim to:

  •     Create greater awareness in the media about national development problems
  •     Strengthen public opinion regarding the need to take positive measures to support people-centered development
  •     Facilitate a process of sensitization to development issues among media professionals
  •     Promote effective communication that draws attention to development concerns; and
  •     Facilitate a more informed development policy dialogue.


One year

Eligibility criteria

The fellowships are open to journalists working in any of the regional and national dailies and associated media. Freelancers frequently contributing to the press are encouraged to apply.

  • Early to mid-career status, with 5-7 years of professionally experience. Upper age limit is 40 years.
  • The candidates should have a demonstrated commitment to a career in journalism and should have covered the issue in the past.
  • This fellowship cannot be held simultaneously with any other fellowships or a similar scheme of financial assistance.

The fellowship

The value of each fellowship, inclusive of honorarium, travel and contingency grant is Rs. 1,00,000.

Fellowships are announced at an award ceremony held in New Delhi.

The selected print journalist fellows will be expected to publish at least ten articles or reasonable number of photographs (in case of photojournalists) on the chosen subject during the period. Out of these at least three would be in-depth research articles/photo essay

At the end of the fellowships period, the photojournalists will be expected to mount an exhibition of her/his works. The Foundation will meet an additional cost for mounting an exhibition for the photojournalist.

How to apply

All applications must be typed. Handwritten and incomplete applications will not be considered.

The applications must reach NFI no later than November 30, 2012

Contact details

Mini Kakkar Singh
National Foundation for India
Zone IV A, Upper Ground Floor
India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road,
New Delhi 110003
Phone: 2464-1864/65, 24648490/91;
Fax: 2464 1867

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Post By: Seetha