MCH-STAR looking for a technical consultant on water and sanitation

The Maternal and Child Health Sustainable Technical Assistance and Research initiative, known as MCH-STAR, is a multi-year project funded by USAID/India. MCH-STAR aims to improve the policies, program approaches and resource allocations through Indian institutions that specialize in Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) technical leadership and services, policy analysis, and advocacy.

MCH-STAR plans to organize a technical consultation on water and sanitation interventions related to drinking water supply and sanitation for improved maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition outcomes in India .  We will bring together international and national experts and key stakeholders working in the field of Drinking Water and Sanitation to share evidence and deliberate on what is working.  More specifically, the technical consultation will explore recent research and program evidence on water and sanitation interventions in India associated with improved MNCHN outcomes, and identify emerging research and evaluation, technical assistance, policy analysis and advocacy priorities in the area of water and sanitation relevant to the Indian context.

Please find attached detailed Scope of Work for this consultancy. If you are interested in pursuing this activity please send your CV to:

Laura Barnitz (

Sr. Technical Advisor-Policy analysis and advocacy,


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