Call for entries for the 5th WASH Media Awards, Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and Stockholm International Water Institute

WASH Media Awards 2014
WASH Media Awards 2014

The award aims to promote coverage of WASH issues in the local, national and international media to have a positive influence on decision-makers, the private sector, the civil society as well as individuals and households.  Prize winners will receive a cash award and the opportunity to participate in the World Water Week in Stockholm – the world’s leading water event to be held from ( 31 August - 05 September 2014 as special guests of WSSCC and SIWI.

There are 6 prizes, one in each of the following themes:

 - Water and Energy

- Equity and Inclusion in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

    Ending Open Defecation
    The Human Right to Water and Sanitation
    WASH in the Future: The Post-2015 Development Agenda
    Monitoring WASH Commitments

All entries will be evaluated by an international jury of distinguished media professionals. To be eligible, entries must be published or broadcast between 15 June 2013 and 15 June 2014. For more information and to download the entry form please visit or

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Post By: ravleen
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