Application invited to the 'Training Workshop on Participatory Groundwater Management', People's Science Institute, Dehradoon

Participatory groundwater management
Participatory groundwater management

About the workshop:

Encouraged by successful results of community managed groundwater innovations in other parts of India People’s Science Institute (PSI) has joined hands with other experienced groundwater VOs to initiate a programme on Participatory Groundwater Management (PGWM) in the Himalayan region with financial support from Arghyam. The good response to the last workshops has led PSI to announce an eighth 15-days training workshop on hydrogeology and water quality under Arghyam’s sponsorship, from December 2 -16, 2014 in Dehra Doon. 

Training Objectives

At the end of the training, participants will:

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of groundwater management
  • Understand hydrogeology of the Himalayan region
  • Carry out geological and hydrogeological mapping
  • Design watershed development plans
  • Monitor groundwater quality

The curriculum includes theoretical sessions, practicals and field work on hydrogeology and water quality.

Cooperating partners

ACWADAM (Pune), ACT (Bhuj), WASSAN (Hyderabad) and experienced resource persons from WIHG and CSWRTI (Dehradun).

Who can participate?

The workshop is open to representatives from voluntary organizations, SLNA members including PRIs & WDTs, user groups, SHG members, junior engineers and students from the Himalayan states preferably with a background in science/geology or engineering.

Know more about People's Science Institute

Download the annoncement of the workshop and registration form (in both English and Hindi) from below.

Event Date
Post By: Swati Bansal