"Agriculture –to- Agribusiness" the 4th Global summit cum exhibition on the second Green Revolution, The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry, July 11, 2012, Hotel Shangri-La, New Delhi


Organiser:  The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM)

Venue: Hotel Shangri-La,
             New Delhi


ASSOCHAM initiated its endeavour of value creation for Indian industry in 1920. Having in its fold more than 300 Chambers and Trade Associations, and serving more than 2 lakh members from all over India. Its vision is to empower Indian enterprise by inculcating knowledge that will be the catalyst of growth in the barrierless technology driven global market and help them upscale, align and emerge as formidable player in respective business segments.


  • Sharing technologies and services towards increasing agricultural efficiency to meet food security and challenges.
  • Deliberating on PPP or other new business models for thwarting investments in agriculture.
  • Understanding & seeking new/unique/common areas and precedence for cooperation to reinforce affiliation
  • Reaching the consensus on planned actions among the stakeholder to address the burning issues
  • Discussing strategies for achieving sustainable & inclusive growth as predicted by policy makers

Registration fee

  • National delegate- Rs. 2500
  • International delegate - USD 100

Click here for online registration

Contact details
Mr. Abhishek Singh
Phone: +91-9953050423
Email: abhishek.singh@assocham.com
Website: www.assocham.org

Download the attachements for more details

Event Date
Post By: sucheethra