S M Sehgal Foundation

S M Sehgal Foundation
Stained and smiling
Working with fluoride affected communities in Mewat, Haryana Posted on 12 May, 2022 12:03 PM

In the scorching heat, villagers stood with glasses of water in their hands and smiles on their faces in an eagerness to offer all that they had with utmost kindness to bring comfort to people on a hot summer day, oblivious to the quality of water they were offering.

Stains, irregularities, and pits are common manifestations of dental fluorosis. (Image: Sehgal Foundation)
Village fair inspires positive change
Behaviour change towards safe drinking water, handwashing and sanitation practices
Posted on 15 Apr, 2022 09:43 AM

S M Sehgal Foundation is implementing a project “WASH for Healthy Home” engaging ten women’s groups in partnership with CAWST and supported by Fig Tree Foundation in Jafrabad Panchayat, district Vaishali, Bihar.

The village fair (Image Source: Sehgal Foundation)
Drinking water quality course by Sehgal Foundation
Drinking water quality testing course organised by Sehgal Foundation
Posted on 15 Apr, 2022 09:31 AM

Getting Started with Drinking Water Quality Testing (DWQT) course was organised by Sehgal Foundation, India in partnership with CAWST, Canada. A free six-week self-directed online course introduces the fundamental concepts of Drinking Water Quality Testing (DWQT) using portable water quality field test kits.

Safe drinking water, for health (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Second wave, new challenges: Civil society on the frontlines
How community radio is helping in times of COVID
Posted on 29 May, 2021 02:26 PM

The onset of a second wave of COVID-19 has inflicted havoc in urban centers and even in the national capital which has somewhat sound state-of-the-art health system.

Involved in COVID relief (Image: SM Sehgal Foundation)
Gearing to overcome water quality woes
A workshop highlights the need to give a boost to affordable household water treatment and storage technologies.
Posted on 21 Apr, 2020 05:22 PM

India has the most people in the world without access to safe drinking water (133.9 million). Many studies indicate that poor and marginalized populations are the worst affected from waterborne diseases resulting from the consumption of contaminated water.

HWTS solutions are best suited for villages (Image: WaterAid)
Community-led piped water supply initiative in Bihar
For Har Ghar Nal Ka Jal to succeed, the state needs to look at water harvesting to augment groundwater availability. Posted on 28 Mar, 2020 12:34 PM

Water is a precious natural resource that ensures human well-being. However, across the globe there is a severe water crisis, which is heightened by issues of inaccessibility and contamination.

The community at the ward level of the panchayat is supposed to have complete ownership of the system created. (Image: GG Vogman, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC 2.0)
A report on the national conference on women-led water management organised by IRRAD
This article provides the details of the National Conference on Women-led Water Management organised by IRRAD in partnership with UNICEF India
Posted on 20 Nov, 2012 02:59 PM

Nearly 70% of India’s 1.2 billion people live in rural areas, many of which face unprecedented water shortages.

Patkhori's water solutions - A case study from the work of SM Sehgal Foundation in Mewat, Haryana
Patkhori is a village in Mewat District, Haryana, having 646 households and a population of 4000 (IRRAD Demographic Survey 2009).
Posted on 14 Jun, 2011 05:27 PM

Community water tankCommunity water tank

S M Sehgal Foundation awarded the “3rd National Ground Water Augmentation Award-2009” by Ministry of Water Resources
S.M. Sehgal Foundation has been recognized as a winner of the 3rd National Ground Water Augmentation Award-2009 on the occasion of World Water Day 2011
Posted on 28 Mar, 2011 04:44 PM

The award, instituted by the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is given for “innovative practices of groundwater augmentation through rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge.” The award to S.M.
