Patkhori's water solutions - A case study from the work of SM Sehgal Foundation in Mewat, Haryana

Community water tankCommunity water tank

Water is the engine that drives all other functions. For instance, in a village with little water, girls are less likely to go to school because they must spend their time fetching water; and because over 80% of the infectious diseases in India are water-borne, proper water management is a critical public health tool.

The presence of underground sweet water pockets in Patkhori comes as a sign of relief, as sweet water is otherwise available in only 61 of the 503 villages of Mewat (SANDRP, 2004). However, the deep water table (about 120 metres below the surface) makes it a no-win situation. The High School in Patkhori had no water source; the villagers' dependence on one public supply outlet was a bone of contention because the water pumps depend on a very erratic power supply; and agricultural productivity suffered due to little surface water availability. This was the reality of life in the village until a few much-needed interventions produced a meaningful turnaround.

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