The desert that blooms
Rao Jodha Desert Park in Jodhpur is known for its varied flora. Its resilience and beauty make a walk in this park truly enjoyable.
The desert park in its full glory during monsoon.
Damn the dams, say the displaced
Many people have been displaced by major dam projects in the country. A bigger threat, however, lies in the ageing dams waiting to collapse.
The Hirakud dam
Farakka faces a barrage of criticism
The Farakka barrage is an ageing symbol of our need to control rivers and our inability to do so. Can we do away with it?
The lower Ganga, just upstream of Farakka, displays bank-cutting and erosion.
A tale of two sparring states and a river
Goa and Karnataka lock horns again over Mahadayi water sharing. How long will it go on before a consensus is reached?
The Mahadayi or the Mandovi river, shared between Karnataka and Goa for their water needs, is a bone of contention between the two states.
Manual scavenging: The caste connection
The Balmiki caste has been marginalised for their association with manual scavenging. Swacch Bharat Mission needs to put an end to this evil to save a population from discrimination.
A manual scavenger at work. (Source: Flickr Commons)
Water warriors at work
Citizens come forward to restore polluted lakes and rivers in their cities. They demand support and swift action from the government.
Citizens of Udaipur get together to remove water hyacinth from the Pichhola lake.
Notes from Swachh Madhya Pradesh campaign
Nipun Vinayak, Director, Swachh Bharat Mission, Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, writes about Madhya Pradesh's progress on the ground.
Sudam Khade, collector, Sehore, felicitates a woman from the community for their efforts in ending open defecation.
Forts of fortune: How the Marathas saved water
The hill forts of Maharashtra provide valuable lessons in water harvesting and conservation.
One of the hill forts in Maharashtra. (Source: India Water Portal)
Honestly, not the best policy changes
Changes have been proposed to existing environmental laws. We look at three such policy changes that could affect the ecosystem and local communities negatively.
An earthmover submerged downstream of the Srinagar Hydroelectric project, Uttarakhand. By permitting contractors to begin construction on a project before the EIA is approved, the government is enabling disasters in the future.
Staying afloat, one stepwell at a time
Jodhpur has a unique problem. Unlike other cities, it is dealing with excess groundwater. Reusing its traditional water structures is the way forward.
Toorji ka jhalra, one of the step ponds that attracts tourists in Jodhpur.
Of lives bruised by water
The once pristine island of Munroe Thuruth in Kerala is sinking. As some villagers leave the island for greener pastures, the others wait for the government help to rehabilitate them.
One of the sinking houses of Munroe Island.