The sanitation crisis - Addressing challenges in India and globally
The sanitation crisis - Addressing challenges in India and globally
Locations of relief camps in flood affected areas of Bihar: Guidelines and contact details
Details of mega camps and other relief camps that are being run by the Government at the wake of the Bihar floods
Situation report from the UN on the 2008 Bihar floods
A comprehensive situation report from the UN dated September 10, 2008
Discussion forum news !
Why are all the laundry powder and dish washing products still allowed to pollute unchecked all waterways with millions of tons of said salts.
Drinking water treatment technologies and approaches -- Solution Exchange
An invitation for discussions and questions from NGOs and other organisations working in flood relief related to the problems they are facing and questions that they would like answered.
Offer of water filters by Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar
Distribution of TERAFIL water filters among the victims of Bihar flood affected areas for supply of drinking water.
Bihar Floods: Near Real Time Flood Mapping
The NRSA and the Govt of India is working together to provide near real time data on the current flood situation in Bihar by using satellite imagery.
Bihar Flood Preparedness Resources
The main focus of the WaterAid India project is the provision of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation to communities during flooding.
Field report
This is a field report prepared by a team including Ms. Medha Patkar, on the flood situation and rescue operations in Bihar.
Offering services -- Alternative healers
Looking for opportunities in alternative healing.
Postgraduate student from Delhi wants to volunteer
Volunteering to do field work and admin work.