Towards a learning alliance on system of rice intensification in Orissa – a report on dialogue project by WWF International and ICRISAT
This report deals with the experiences on SRI by fifteen different organisations and farmers. These experiences reflect the concerns, aspirations and diversity of perspectives among the actors
Urban wastewater: a valuable resource for agriculture - case study from Haroonabad, Pakistan (2002) by International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
There is a need to identify methods to prevent the health risks associated with the use of untreated urban wastewater while maintaining its socioeconomic and environmental benefits
Water and livelihoods: system of rice intensification (SRI) in large irrigation projects in Andhra Pradesh (2007) – A booklet by Jalaspandana
The project concludes that the system of rice intensification is environment friendly, yields better quality rice and straw and prevents soil degradation
Right to water and sanitation - a manual by Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and United Nations Human Settlements Programme
The manual contains sustainable strategies, policies and solutions to address the right to water and sanitation, and distinguishes between the challenges facing urban and rural areas
Roofwater harvesting: a handbook for practitioners by the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre
The handbook aims to assist NGO, government staff, organisations and individuals responsible for implementing domestic roofwater harvesting systems or programmes