The West Bengal groundwater resources (management, control and regulation) act (2005)
The act aims to manage, control and regulate indiscriminate extraction of ground water in West Bengal
The Tamil Nadu groundwater (development and management) act (2003)
The act aims to protect groundwater resources from over exploitation and to ensure its planned development and proper management in Tamil Nadu
Groundwater and well-water quality in the alluvial aquifer of central Gujarat - a paper by Carewater
The paper recommends urgent requirement of increased aquifer monitoring in central Gujarat, spreading awareness and using proper water treatment procedures to combat groundwater pollution
Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic - Affliction severity, medical cost and wage loss in Indian villages
The study found that fluoride and arsenic contamination had high cost on society and concluded that government agencies and individuals need to get more attentive to address the issue
Kerala ground water (control and regulation) act, 2002
The act provides for conservation, regulation and control of extraction and use of groundwater in Kerala
Issues and approaches for drinking water quality in rural India: a background paper by WaterAid
The paper presents challenges related to continuous water quality and quantity issues in rural India and shows the need to look for a holistic and people-centred approach for water management
Water contamination due to arsenic and nitrates and their health implications - research studies
Nitrate can cause severe health implications like cancer and it contaminates water by mixing with fertiliser run-off and sewage
Rethinking the approach to groundwater and food security to understanding the dynamics of groundwater resources- by Food and Agriculture Organization (2003)
Complex flow within aquifers require relatively simple data for careful analysis and interpretation of groundwater dynamics
Piped dreams: quality of drinking water supplied to Indian homes (Nov 2003)
Contamination of water, a matter of serious concern, is poorly studied in India and the remedies are even less understood making the existing water supply system inefficient
Analysis of the implementation process of Maharashtra groundwater legislation
The paper analyses documents pertaining to acts and rules of Maharashtra groundwater and discusses and interviews concerned government agencies and gram panchayat to effectively address the issue
Geographic information system (GIS) and groundwater for windows (GWW) helps in creating interactive groundwater information system (GWIS) of Barakar basin in Bihar
The paper discusses the approach adopted for establishing groundwater information system (GWIS) where data from various sources can be stored and analysed in time and space
Groundwater modeling of unconfined aquifer system of crystalline area - a case study in Lapsiya watershed (Hazaribagh)
The paper concludes that the success of unconfined aquifer system in a hard rock area depend upon the thickness of the aquifer material
Towards a more effective operational response - arsenic contamination of groundwater in south and east asian countries: a policy report by World Bank
The policy report states that arsenic mitigation needs to be integrated with broader water supply sector policies and approaches rather than treating it as an isolated issue
To adapt or not to adapt - the dilemma between long term resource management and short term livelihoods
The chapter explores the multifaceted social, physical, cultural, policy and economic dimensions of declining groundwater by studying farmer's response to drought in three districts of Gujarat
Poverty eradication by Neeru-Meeru, an initiative undertaken by government of Andhra Pradesh
The initiative focuses on man made drought and water shortage in the state by convergence of efforts of various departments at the state, district and sub-district levels for water conservation
Arsenic levels in Delhi's groundwater studied using hydride generator accessory coupled with atomic absorption spectrophotometer
The paper concludes that arsenic contamination in Delhi soils could be the result of dumping chemical rich garbage into open landfills
Artificial groundwater recharge through tube wells - a case study from north-east Haryana
In this study, two-recharge tube wells were installed in the bed of old Sirsa branch canal, Haryana, to recharge the depleting groundwater artificially
The emerging challenge of groundwater pollution and contamination in India
The article provides information on incidence of fluoride, salinity, arsenic and nitrate above permissible levels in groundwater in India
Basic course on fluorosis and fluoride removal (part 3 of 4)
This part describes fluoride removal, various method and equipments used for fluoride removal, community solutions and long term measures adopted for fluoride removal