Pitcher irrigation - A method that uses round earthen containers for growing saplings
A brief on the technique for creating slow release of water below the ground, minimizing evaporation losses and risk of salinization.
Agronomic measures in dryland agriculture: An overview
An information kit on the agronomic measures in dryland agriculture
How to catch rainwater where it falls - An intoduction
A manual -for anyone who wants to make good use of rainwater wherever it falls in the landscape.
Rural schools in Rajasthan -The Barefoot College experience
Best Practices in Water Management-Case Studies from Rural India-2005 German Agro Action, 2005
Reforming Water, Adding Women
Does decentralised water governance further gender justice in India? : Issues and Recommendations, a policy brief
Water: the privatization debate
A report that presents two largely divergent points of view, regarding the controversial issue of water privatization.
Sisyphean labours - Domestic water supply in the central-western Himalayas
A paper that informs that domestic water supply, mistakenly referred to as drinking water supply, is a state subject under the Indian constitution.
Sharing best practices in rural development - Case studies of few success stories in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
A report that presents the findings of a study aimed at evaluating/examining the government run rural development programmes for community development
Climate change campaigns undertaken by Greenpeace
A link to more information on climate change campaigns
Save Ganga Movement- An initiative to protect river Ganga
Link to the collaborated initiative of people from different walks of life to save river Ganges
Mazhapolima - A community based well recharge programme
A project report on a community based well recharge programme in Kerala to recharge ground water and improve supply of drinking water