Deaths due to water pollution
Safe water is a far-longed dream in this country. Everyday thousands are consumed by diseases caused by contaminated water
World Water Week 2010
Exchange ideas, fostering of new thinking and developing solutions at the world water week in Stockholm
India WASH forum e-newsletter - Update 13 July 2010
WaSH newsletter brings together critical news and information with analysis in the water and sanitation sector.
A preliminary ecosystem services assessment of likely outcomes of the proposed Pancheshwar dam in India/Nepal - An IES report (2010)
Pancheshwar dam will be the world's second tallest structure intended to harness hydroelectric power
More rice for people - More water for the planet - A WWF-ICRISAT report about System of Rice Intensification
Rice is not just the staple diet of more than half the world; It is also the largest source of rural employment and livelihood
Rapid assessment survey of Kodaikanal lake - ENVIS Centre (TN) (2009)
Tourists endanger Kodaikanal's freshwater lake and the biodiversity dependent on it
National Rural Drinking Water Programme - Framework for implementation - MoRD (2010)
The Rural WaterSupply enters its fourth phase with emphasis on ensuring sustainability water with a decentralised approach
Decentralisation and water resources management in the Indian Himalayas: The contribution of new institutional theories - Conservation and Society paper
The real decentralisation: a complex adaptive process with voluntary participation from all actors in the existing unequal power managing water
Myths about small water harvesting systems - EPW paper
A response to “Chasing a Mirage: Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge in Naturally Water-Scarce Regions” in the Economic and Political Weekly.
Climate change in India: Forgotten threats, forgotten opportunities - EPW paper
The indian take on global climate change discourse
Salvaging and scapegoating: Slum evictions on Chennai’s waterways - EPW paper
This document discusses the historical shifts in the governance of urban water and the urban poor in cities, their reflection in the transformed cultural and political imagery of rivers in Chennai.
Water sector and reforms - Report of workshop organised by CASUMM (2007)
This document by CASUMM contains the proceedings of a workshop on water sector and reforms, organised at Mysore, on the 17th of November 2007.
Water challenges in Greater Bangalore - NIAS-CASUMM workshop note (2007)
Privatisation of water services being funded by international financial institutions in Bangalore.
The encroaching Ganga and social conflicts: The case of West Bengal
This report deals with the social conflicts emerging out of the encroachments owing to the change in course of the Ganga upstream and downstream of the Farakka barrage. The barrage was built with the intention of diverting water into the Hugli river with a view to flush the sediment load into the deeper part of the estuary and revive the navigational status of Kolkata port
Private investment in groundwater irrigation: Do the public institutions matter? - The case of West Bengal
This paper by Centre for Studies in Social Sciences and Jadavpur University, aims at explaining the factors that determine private investment in groundwater irrigation in West Bengal. It also addresses the issues pertaining to institutional arrangements, particularly provision of facilities by the government. The study, largely empirical in nature, is based on data collected from surveys conducted in close to one thousand moujas (villages) spread across the major agro-climatic zones in West Bengal.
Integrated Hydrological and Water Data Books - Central Water Commission (2005-09)
Integrated Hydrological Data Books are a compendium of important hydrological information of twelve non-classified basins consolidated at the national level by the CWC.
Ground Water Management and Ownership: Report of the Expert Group - Planning Commission (2007)
The report of the Planning Commission takes stock of the availability and use of groundwater and suggests the need for exploiting the untapped ‘static’ water
Eswaran Committee Report on Training for Watershed Development - MoRAE (MoRD) (1997)
The report presents a review of the existing training arrangements for watershed development and suggests a system for organizing training for different level of functionaries.
Vaidyanathan Committee Report on Pricing of Irrigation Water - Planning Commission (1992)
The Vaidyanathan Committee report reviews the existing water rate structure and the extent of subsidy in Government and Public Sector irrigation projects.