Guidelines of the Central Rural Sanitation Programme and Total Sanitation Campaign by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (2011)
The Central Rural Sanitation Programme (CRSP) moves towards a “demand driven” approach as per new guidelines.
Kailash sacred landscape conservation initiative - Feasibility assessment report by ICIMOD
The project attempts to recognise and strengthen local capacity for community-based participation in conservation and sustainable development.
Fazilka citizens protest against planned encroachment on ecosensitive Badha lake wetland by Punjab Urban Development Authority (PUDA)
PUDA's new colony being planned for sale in the vicinity of Badha Lake Wetland Fazilka falls under the eco-sensitive Zone.
Public support to food security in India, Brazil and South Africa – Elements for a policy dialogue – A working paper by International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
This working paper by International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth deals with public support to food security in India, Brazil and South Africa.
India must prepare for future growth by planning a low-water economy - Article in YaleGlobal Online by Rohini Nilekani
If initiatives are not pushed forward, water will become the constraining factor in the quest for inclusive and sustainable growth, says Rohini Nilekani.
Threat of land subsidence in and around Kolkata City and East Kolkata Wetlands – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
The groundwater of the cities and wetland areas should be developed cautiously based on the groundwater potential to minimize the threat of land subsidence, the report says.
National workshop in July 2011 on social audit of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGs) - PIB Release
The Union Ministry of Rural Development is organizing a national workshop on social audit of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Guarantee scheme (MGNREGs) at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on 19th July 2011.
A world without water – A documentary film by Brian Woods
The film produced by Brian Woods of True Vision TV explores the future of the world’s water supply indicating how the world is running out of its most precious resource.
Impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and flood risk in India – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
This paper in the Journal of Earth System Science deals with the impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events as well as on flood risk in India.
Geospatial tools for assessing land degradation in Budgam district of Kashmir Himalaya – A paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science
This paper in Journal of Earth Systems Science deals with the use of geospatial tools for assessing land degradation in Budgam district of Kashmir Himalaya.
Assessing variability of water quality in a groundwater-fed perennial lake of Kashmir Himalayas using linear geostatistics – A paper in Journal of Earth System Science
This paper in Journal of Earth System Science presents a study on Manasbal lake, which is one of the high altitude lakes in the Kashmir Valley, India.
Maps generated from the integration of water level data of Central Ground Water Board and State Ground Water Board
This report of the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) presents maps generated from the integration of data of CGWB (CGWB) and State Ground Water Board (SGWB).
Evaluating household water treatment options
A report by World Health Organisation on health-based targets and microbiological performance specifications.
Geomorphic study for regeneration of aquatic ecosystem in Bareilly – An article in Geospatial World
This article in Geospatial World deals with a geomorphic study of low elevated wards in Bareilly.
Bamboo charcoal as a natural Water Filter - An indigenous rural application
Bamboo charcoal is rich in a number of minerals including potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium, the article says.
Public-Private Partnerships in urban water supply for Maharashtra – Tool kit by GoI-ADB PPP Initiative
This tool kit by the ADB focused on identifying and developing PPP structures, which can be implemented in water supply and sanitation for the cities of Maharashtra.