Maya Ramaswamy shares her views on how discussing "water rights"will be meanigful only if all of us collectively contribute towards preserving and conserving our environment and in turn save our water sources
This report deals with two major indicators, the well being of the individual household and the female security concept, to gauge the well being of 588 districts in the country
This article by Aarti Kelkar - Khambete narrates the story of a commerce ex-lecturer, who successfully transformed a barren piece of land into a self sustainable farm
With no single example across the world to cite for successful model of water privatisation, the irony remains that it continues to grow in developing countries. India is witnessing a range of private sector participation in various water schemes, these come under different forms and shapes but the motive remains the same- make profit out water.
Almost all privatisation endeavor in water sector has met with obstacles, Khandwa is no exception! The teething problem of the project doesn't appear to settle as the rising discontent and resistance among people continues to grow.
What are the different ways through which water can be purified before it can be consumed? Read on to know more about the traditional and household water purification methods practised by rural communities in developing countries.
Rivers are one of the prime suppliers of drinking water. They are also important for agriculture, fisheries and recreational activities. However some of these activities also pollute the rivers. Pollution can be either from point sources such as industrial or sewage effluent discharges, or can be diffused from roads or agricultural run-off. Therefore it is necessary that rivers are protected from pollution and are managed as a sustainable resource for all of the activities that depend on their water quality.
This video by Seetha Gopalakrishnan describes the way to make Panchgavya, a concoction made up of cow dung and urine fermented with a host of other ingredients from the farm
A 3 day national seminar organised for creating awareness and triggering a dialogue among scientists and lay people on the emerging challenges related to water resources, quality and conservation
Shubha Ramachandran speaks on how water management is carried out in large corporate setups. She explains that most offices depend on private water suppliers, the water tankers or through borewells.