New norms proposed for hydel clearance
Policy matters this week
Omkareshwar Dam on Narmada, Madhya Pradesh
Ansuna mat karo is kahani ko: A history of lost pond and wells
In this book, Anil Yadav combines myths and lost legends about Vidisha's wells and 'baolis' with intricate details of the ponds' construction and economics.
Ansuna mat karo is kahani ko:Lost ponds of Vidisha
Factors affecting toilet adoption in rural India
Men prefer to defecate in the open more than women, latrines are considered a luxury item and open defecation isn't considered a threat to health, finds a study done in rural North India.
Rural toilet (Source: Saurabh Phadke)
Poisonous cocktail in the Cauvery
Leachate from thermal plants in Mettur flows straight into the Cauvery river polluting cotton fields along the way. What else is this affecting?
Mettur is now home to many ash ponds
Neighbour's envy, user's pride!
Basavaraj's house in drought-prone Chitradurga district in Karnataka is mostly self-sufficient for water. Was it serendipity, luck or something more?
Basavaraj's water-sufficient house in Chitradurga
Fish frenzy in the land of butter chicken!
Punjab has the country's highest yield from freshwater fish farming but can it sustain the momentum and kickstart a 'Blue Revolution'?
Fish farming in Punjab
The slow death of a river
See the impact of pollution on the Kshipra in Madhya Pradesh through the eyes of the residents, many of whom depend on the river for their livelihoods.
Prayers on the bank of the Kshipra
Tribals in Jharkhand plan for water security
To let people make their own decisions and to understand that the best solution doesn't always work are two big lessons that have come from meetings with Jharkhand's tribals.
A planning meeting in Bhawani Chowki
Great things can happen when 'theirs' becomes 'ours'
Kaikondarahalli kere went from being a polluted, sewage-filled cess pool into a flourishing, clean lake home to birds, fish and the local community too!
A lake once more: Kaikondarahalli Lake
Barefoot scientists a.k.a local farmers
Solutions to deal with the ill-effects of climate change extend beyond formal scientific knowledge. Local communities combat these using their Indigenous knowledge.
Farmer couple ploughing their field
Depeasantisation: The gender aspect
Punjab, the land of the Green Revolution, is going through an agrarian crisis. This impacts not only men, but also women from small-scale and marginal farming communities.
Farmer in Punjab (Source: India Water Portal)
A miracle in Mahewa
Residents of one ward in Gorakhpur, UP, did a few things to reduce their vulnerability against climate change, which is causing crises in many areas.
The impact of the Waste Management Committee
Black life: Impact of coal mining in Jharsuguda
Agricultural lands of thousands of people have been destroyed in Odisha and the growing need for power is trumping over the environment. Better regulation can help but it needs to happen soon.
Work in progress in coal mines in Jharsuguda