Water for "GDP" or "HDI" ? The golden dilemma for Gujarat


Water essentially being harbinger for developmental activities, water managers are often confronted with the issue of resolving competing and even sometimes conflicting requirements of 'GDP' versus 'HDI". At the age of 50, Gujarat State is at the cross-roads of this dilemma as value of water is relatively higher in this naturally underprivileged State. This Paper is an attempt to analyse the trends of development in Gujarat and thereby the associated changes in demand pattern and to capture its likely impacts on 'GDP' and 'HDI'. Efforts made by the State for improving its 'GDP' and 'HDI' are also compared with that made by Kerala State , ranking first amongst Indian States in HDI and lessons to be learned in water resources management are highlighted.

The full paper can be downloaded as a .doc file here: Water for 'GDP' or Water for 'HDI' ? The Golden Dilemma for Gujarat

Post By: iwp