Review of artificial recharge practices - A research report by National Institute of Hydrology

The report gives a reviewed summary of various developments in the field of artificial recharge of groundwater at national and international levels. Different methods of recharging have been discussed in detail with reference to their design criteria, application and economic feasibility. The report also provides the details of field application.

After establishing a field situation suitable for requiring artificial recharge measures, field experiments and studies should be taken up at the earliest to verify the feasibility of recharge project. These experiments include –

  • Drilling
  • Correct evaluation of aquifer parameters
  • Determination of infiltration coefficient
  • Water quality analysis of source water
  • Evolution of proper design of recharge structures
  • Evaluation of availability of source water
  • Preliminary benefit-cost analysis

After verifying the feasibility of the artificial recharge schemes, it may be taken up in a specific area for partly or fully making up the deficit in groundwater budget. Usually the area involved is a small watershed covering an urban, rural or industrial centre. Being expensive, the artificial recharge projects should be planned and operated with great care.

Download the report here:

Post By: Rama Mani