Report of the committee on slum statistics/census - Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation

This report by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, Government of India, is the outcome of the deliberations conducted by the committee on slum statistics/census constituted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in the context of the realisation that there continues to be a considerable lack of information and paucity of data on not only the living conditions of the slum populations, but also on the magnitude and the dispersion of the slum population.

The report is divided into the following chapters:

Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter provides a brief background on the rapid urbanisation happening in the cities in India and the current situation with respect to the classification of slums and information available on the number of slums in the cities in India. The chapter argues that comprehensive information or data on slums is essential for the formulation of an effective and coordinated policy for improvement and rehabilitation of the slum dwellers in the country.

Chapter 2: Background and Objectives
This chapter provides the details of the current data available on slums as per the year 2001 according to  different sources and identifies the gaps in the current information on slums and the necessity for having a reliable slum data base.

Chapter 3: Estimating slum population
This chapter highlights the methodology that will be followed to estimate the slum population in the country based on available information

Chapter 4:  Conducting the slum census
This chapter describes the details of the steps and the methodology undertaken while conducting the slum census

Chapter 5: Towards an Urban Information Management System
This chapter serves as a guide to the Ministry of Housing and Povery Alleviation in evolving a sustainable and viable methodology for conducting slum and other surveys between successive censuses and to suggest measures to build a robust Urban Information Management System on slums and urban poverty, housing and construction.

Chapter 6: Summary and recommendations
This chapter includes a summary and recommendations of the committee

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