Remote sensing – A presentation by ACWADAM

These presentations by ACWADAM deal with the application of remote sensing and aerial photography techniques in groundwater management. Remote sensing is a technique by virtue of which information about an object, area or phenomenon is obtained with the help of a sensor on board a platform from distance without coming in contact with object, area or phenomenon.

The objects and areas where remote sensing is used are: forest, soil, water resources, agriculture, urban and rural areas, rocks and mineral deposits. Other dynamic phenomenon where remote sensing is used is forest fires, volcanoes, landslides, earthquakes, water pollution, weather patterns and floods.

The various types of sensors that are used for remote sensing are camera, scanner, C.C.D. Radiometers and thermal scanners. The presentations provide an idea about the platforms and sensors used such as INSAT, LANDSAT, IRS, aeroplane etc. the energy for remote sensing is in the form of electromagnetic energy (EMR) which does not require any medium. Two types of energy are required namely, natural through sun, passive microwave, thermal infrared (hot springs, volcanoes, gulf streams, fires etc.,) and artificial like active microwave, laser etc.

The presentations also show how a pair of vertical aerial photographs is viewed under a stereoscope. Photo recognition elements like tone, texture, pattern, form, shape, size, shadow etc are used to interpret different features. There are different types of aerial photographs like panchromatic black and white where tones depend on colour, moisture, shadows etc.

This presentation is part of the training modules on planning, development and management of groundwater with special reference to watershed management programmes by ACWADAM. Please write to ACWADAM at for sourcing these presentations.


Post By: rajshekar