National ground water congress by the ministry of water resources (2007)

The Central Ground Water Board, Ministry of Water Resources organized a “National Congress on Groundwater” in 2007 to address various issues related to better governance of groundwater as well as facilitate the sharing of information and coordination with various agencies and stakeholders engaged in the programme of groundwater development and management.

National, regional and local issues related to groundwater conservation and management and sustained development were discussed and a road map prepared for benefit of different government agencies, Industry Associations and Non Profit Organizations to bring about a holistic perspective and a coordinated approach.

Please see list of reports -

Technical papers presented at the Congress - Report (7 MB): Read More

The National Water Award and Bhoomijal Samwardhan Puraskar Awards were given at this conference. The National Water Award went to the Panchayat of Hiware Bazaar in Maharashtra. Read about the work in Hiware Bazaar (3 MB): Read More

14 organisations were selected across the country for the Bhoomijal Samvardhan Puraskars. Read about the work done by these organisations (2 MB): Read More


Post By: rajshekar