Multi stage aerobic bio reactor for sewage treatment

About CAT “MAR” (Multi Stage Aerobic Bio Reactor)

This reactor was developed with the aim to overcome the main problem associated with SBR, MBR & FABBR, i.e.,

  • The plugging & clogging of filter and
  • Wash out microbes from the reactor        

To overcome the problem of clogging and wash out of microbes from reactor, and to enhance the mixing and settlability of microbial granules within the reactor, attempts to modify the existing reactor design are being carried out by us (Chola Aqua Technologies - CAT).

Keeping the requirement in mind, new type of reactor with a combination of SBR, MBR & FABBR designs have been introduced. These hybrid reactors named as ‘MAR’ reactors perform more efficiently then their parent components (SBR, MBR & FABBR).

As a result, several new reactors evolved and among them, the hybrid ‘MAR’ (Multi Stage Aerobic Bio Reactor) reactor need special mention due to the promise shown, so far.

In the MAR Reactor,

  • The active microbial bio mass form very dense granules, which are highly settable. As a result, very high concentration of active biomass could achieved per unit working volume of reactor.
  • Thus, these digesters are operable with high loading rates and excellent BOD, COD removal with lesser HRT (4-8 hrs).
  • Prevention of wash out of microbes by attached bacterial growth

It has been widely accepted the loading capacity of any aerobic reactors/waste water treatment system is essentially dicated by amount of active biomass that can be retained in the reactor, provided a sufficient contact between active biomass and waste organic is assured.
