Hindalco Industries, Renukoot, Uttar Pradesh, undertakes watershed management project (2007) that aims to benefit farmers of 30 villages

This presentation describes Hindalco's Renukoot operations, which included a watershed management project aimed at benefiting farmers of 30 villages in this hilly area where around 65% of the population lives below the poverty line.

Under the project, more than 2500 acres of land were covered by lift irrigation, benefiting 4165 people and around 8600 acres of land by rain water harvesting structures, benefiting 6500 farmers. Activities also included awareness building exercises for villagers, capacity building for village development committees, formation of CBOs such as water user committees and other self help groups with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and provision of technical support.

A total of 36 lift irrigation projects, 27 small check dams, 150 RWH tanks and 15,000 feet of water channels were constructed in the project regions. Stated benefits included improved nutrition levels through perennial availability of food requirements, reduced out-migration, less dependence on monsoons, demonstration effect catalyzing government similar initiatives, reduced forest cutting and increased income levels.

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Post By: Rama Mani