Goa, Goa, Gone - A documentary that explores the impact of mining on Goa's environment

Mining in Goa Source: WikiCommons
Mining in Goa Source: WikiCommons

Goa is the second smallest state in India, with a total land mass of 3702 sq kms, and is one of the world's 12 bio-diversity hot-spots. While the largest industry is Tourism, conversely the second largest is mining. 8% of this state’s land is already under mining, mostly for iron ore, which is largely exported to China. Iron ore exports from Goa increased from 229,42,000 tons (Rs. 4645 crores) to 247,17,000 tons (Rs. 6117 crores) in 2004-05, and to 253,14,000 tons (Rs. 17719 crores) in 2005-06.

Illegal and environmentally immoral mining for iron ore is ravaging Goa, and neo-liberal economic policy and global trade is guaranteeing its destruction. A draft mining policy that has been introduced in the Goa Legislative Assembly in 2008,  gives lifelong leases to some of the mining companies, and slowly but surely, paves way for the complete destruction of Goa.

Opposition from citizens to this unregulated industry is increasing, and clashes between locals, police and security officers of the mining companies are on the rise.

This documentary explores the impact of mining on Goa’s environment from the perspective of its citizens.

To follow and support this anti-mining agitation, please visit the website of MAND Adivasi Rights Research and Resource Centre, or email Kurush at kurush.canteenwala@gmail.com.


Post By: ashis