Films and video resources on climate change and greenhouse gas emissions from the Centre for Science and Environment

A number of films on climate change are available on the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) store. These include:

The Greenhouse Effect
52 Minutes: English
This film looks at research into the impact of greenhouse gases on world climate patterns. It examines a range of measures that could alleviate the problems of global warming – from switching to nuclear power and massive reforestation projects to energy conservation.

A D 2048: The Ozone Alarm
49 Minutes: English
A D 2048: The Ozone Alarm Set in the fictional future of the year 2048, this film is a part of a two-part series with The Greenhouse Effect, the film focuses on news bulletins in 2048 which shows an appalling litany of disaster stories: epidemics of 'super typhus' spread by rats, plagues of grasshoppers devouring food crops and famine relief camps in Europe.

What is the greenhouse effect
12 Minutes: English (also available in Hindi)
This film is a beginner's guide to the phenomenon that affects us all. In twelve short minutes the viewer is taken on a guided tour of all the available science, mystery and myth surrounding the greenhouse effect. Laid out in simple terms, the basic science beyond this problem is explained for all to understand. This film is essential viewing for all those with a curious mind and a desire to know.

A D 2048: The Greenhouse effect
46 Minutes : English
Set in the fictional future of the year 2048, this two -films series (along with The Ozone Alarm), focuses on the damage human activity and man made chemicals inflict on the environment and, looks at what the world may be like if ozone depletion and global warming continue unchecked.

Changing Climates: The impact
27 Minutes: English (also available in Hindi)
Is there concrete evidence that the greenhouse effect is changing our climate? This film travels to Africa, Asia and North America to find out if the long predicted change is already having an impact on society and the economy.

Emission impossible
24 Minutes: English
This film on the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) store takes a look at the southern hemisphere's view on global climate change.

The film starts in the United States where a fraction of the world's population contributes a quarter of the greenhouse gasses. The film reveals that although climate change is already having a devastating impact on the poor,  majority of Americans accustomed to cheap energy appear to care little about global warming.

Change in the air
22 Minutes: English
This film from the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) store reveals  that though accounting for just four per cent of the world's population, the gas-guzzling United States produces close to a quarter of the world's greenhouse gases. This has been making the United States a target of bitter criticism from other nations that claim they are adhering to the Kyoto targets. It appears that the US legislators do not seem to care. However, evidence indicates that this  attitude of indifference maybe  gradually changing.


Post By: Rama Mani