Chennai metropolitan area's water woes: CMWSSB's plans for the future

CMWSSB or Metro Water was established in 1978 and serves 180 sq kms of area and 5.5 million population.

The catchment areas and Chennai city receive rainfall mainly during NE monsoon from October to December every year. The sources of water to Chennai city from surface water reservoirs and ground water well fields are described. The water supply and sewerage system growth profile for the city is presented for the period 1978 to 2004. The water requirement for the years 1951, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001 and 2004 is presented. The level of water supply and deficit stands at 526 mld for year 2000 and 685 mld for the year 2004.

The water supply augmentation projects in pipeline to meet the water requirements in the year 2021 is described. This is followed by a description of the water crisis (in 2003) and its causes.    

The steps required to be taken to meet the water crisis in Chennai city are as follows:

  • Metro water has taken advance action not only to sustain current water supply level, but also guard against future problems. Groundwater form Neyvelli aquifer is to be tapped through 45 deep borewells, and the infrastructure under construction in New Veeranam project is to be used to bring this water (60 mld) to Chennai city. This is a short term measure to meet the current crisis.
  • Project to draw water from Coleroon river, 275 kms south of Chennai city has been taken up for implementation within next four months. This also envisages using the infrastructure under construction in New Veeranam project. This will also bring additional quantity of water (about 100 mld) and help to tide over the crisis till the overall situation improves.
  • As s short term measure, it is proposed to put up 10 numbers of small size sea water based Reverse Osmosis plants up to 5 mld capacity each, in selected locations. This will ease the supply position in these locations.
Post By: Rama Mani