Central Water Commission and ISRO launch Water Resources Information System (WRIS), a comprehensive solution for accessing data on water in India

Dear India Water Portal readers,

I am happy to inform you that the web-enabled Water Resources Information System of India (WRIS) has been launched on March 22, 2012 (World Water Day) by Shri R.C. Jha, Chairman, Central Water Commission, New Delhi.This is a joint venture of the Indian Space Research Organisation and Central Water Commission, and is still a work-in-process. It will have more data and tools, as we progress towards the completion of this project.

Please register on the portal to get updates and to get full access to data and facilities of the WRIS Web-GIS.


We would appreciate your feedback and comments based on your experience and use of this product, in order to help us improve it. Please contact us at the address below with your suggestions, or post your reply in the comments section below.

With best wishes,

Dr. J.R. Sharma
Project Director, India-WRIS &
Chief General Manager,
Regional Remote Sensing Centers,
National Remote Sensing Centre
ISRO, Department of Space
Balanagar, Hyderabad- 500625

Email: wris.india@gmail.com, jrsharma50@gmail.com

Post By: India-WRIS