Agritech interventions-harbingers of prosperity- A document by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010)

This document by Indian Council of Agricultural Research contains the impact of inspiring interventions in agriculture and its allied sectors. It includes 101 inspiring technological interventions by Krishi Vigyan Kendras (which provide effective technological backstopping and advisory through need based interventions) that can be emulated by other farmers where similar micro-agro-ecosystems exist.

The document in the introduction sheds light on the need for proper management of natural resources in the backdrop changing climate, which has severe impact on water resource and weather conditions. It goes on to state that this management is possible by empowering the farmers technologically. With a brief overview of the important role played by Krishi Vigyan Kendras, the document covers the following themes:

  1. Crop improvement
  2. Crop production
  3. Crop protection
  4. Farm mechanisation
  5. Integrated farming system
  6. Livestock and fisheries management
  7. PHT and value addition
  8. Entrepreneurship development

 Drawing examples across India, the document lays down salient features and photos of KVK intervention.

 Click below to download the document:

