
Several hands-on activities can be conducted either in class or at a water site. These activities engage children and open their minds to science and geography concepts.

Have your class do these activities and see how easily they grasp the lesson

A drop of water - make students understand that freshwater is a scarce resource, despite the abundance of water on this blue planet. Combine this activity with the 'Global Water Resources' presentation.

Charting a river course - What, along the course of a river, captures a child's attention the most?

Cushions of nature - The green grass and the strong trees have many functions.

Drip irrigation - try this as an activity after learning about capillary action. Implement as many drip irrigation systems as possible in your school garden and let us know. We'll feature your case study on the portal.

       Case study_drip irrigation_rural Zilla Panchayat school_Andhra Pradesh (size 0.84MB)

Every drop counts - see how much a leaking tap can waste

Hygiene survey -conduct this survey before and after you talk of good practices in personal hygiene. See if there is any marked difference in results.

Mini water cycle - We learn about it in every class from VI - X. Try this activity to reinforce the learning of this important concept.

Water bulletin - Let children use their creativity to communicate important messages on water. Do this during the water week.

       Case study_Walls with a message_Bangalore (size 0.93MB) .

We all need water - There are so many uses of water. Record some of them

Mapping watersheds in and around Gurgaon using GPS (size 1MB)

Post By: iwpsuperadmin